Monthly Archives: October 2012

National Stamp

Design Brazilian search to insert itself in the international scene as diffusing of our culture, either by means of colors and forms that distinguish it in each more competitive time and globalizado a world, either for the zeal with the Brazil mark, in projects that they take our brasilidade world measures. The permanent construction of our identity requires a intent look on our ancestor, our traditions and our values, duly warned to tread the way of the superficiality. Our symbolic origins, as much the deriving ones of the lusitana inheritance how much the instituted ones with the historical adventure of our people, still are one of the biggest granaries of imagticas information, that however vendem sandals the foreigners, however clamam for the restoration of countries by means of peace forces. The Brazilian national symbols, over all our flag, serve of peculiar and only base for one design, that passed of a refuting wave during the Military dictatorship to a proud movement and of ostentation in the current days. Today, our green-yellow one is shown with pride for patricians. The main objective of this work is to bring to the souvenir the scenes, personages and conjunctures that had contributed for the creation of our Flag, our Blazon of Weapons and our National Stamp, with emphasis in the desconstruo of its graphical elements, in a boarding syntactic semantics and of its colors and forms.

Process Teachlearning

The present article approaches the affectivity in the process teach-learning having as base the psicopedagogia and its boarding. The apia research in the qualitative boarding, of bibliographical and most to be understood and usufructed character agrees to detach an established discursivo panorama in the theoreticians as: Balestra (2007), Oliveira (2006), among others. The research is directed in this method breaking itself of a reality where if it sees that the professional has the concern to transform the situation that it seems better, recolocando the problem and considering the ends to be reached for the one to look at come back toward affectivity in the development of the learning. We can perceive that the affectivity is as starting point so that a quality learning happens, in the first contact with a pertaining to school institution the child can identify this affection, with the (a) professor (a), and later, to appear to the positive acceptance as in such a way negative in relation to the learning process. Leaving of this estimated, the inquietude in relation to affection/knowledge, two paradigms of construction for cognitivo development. In such a way all the interpersonal aspects are come back to the affective process and these consisting toward the development of the learning.