Monthly Archives: May 2013


It’s funny when electricity is missing, one realizes how much need it and much that makes life easier, there are things that we do not give importance until missing us whether so-called basic services or people, human beings are strange not appreciate anything until lose you fruit of any carelessness or bad head. The things that we have every day our range seem to be important only when we lose them, basic services because we are accustomed to pressing a button and not worry nothing more, work is also a vital element which abhor when we have it and when we need, us angustiamos and want to have it again. When we have a relationship we do not usually it assess too, but when that person leaves on our side, the world seems that we fall into pieces and we regret our apathy or possible error. Basically we are a bit contradictory always longing for what we lack, we always tend to go against the current. Who has good luck nor appreciated it until it starts failing him and then his head begins to torture him. Tend not to be happy with some things that don’t usually happen, the world is not as perfect as some insist on selling ourselves, we spent life complaining of everything that is part of our existence. It is one thing to complain about the disease or the loneliness and other complain about everything from the climate, the month of the year, work, how painful children are personal losses, it is hard to lose loved ones to those who want to, you trust them and want you as you are and think that they never will leave your side.

That kind of losses are irreparable and create memories that help keep the living person, if you’ve been close to the person when he goes, you think you did what was in your hand to repent of his loss, but if not begin to think about how I could act miss one person who you know that not really moreIt hurts because you know that you’ll never enjoy your company and you only have the pleasure of his memory. It is hard to not assess things in time because then come the cries that are of no use except to torture the soul. In conclusion it must be assessed What we have meager it, we never know the next joke of the destination where to take us.

LA UNION European

Love dismissal cheaper and work need to Cook, day by day, in the fire of the tranquility. Jesus Lopez Pacheco. THE cost of dismissal in Spain this in the middle of LA UNION European is not true that the cost of dismissal in Spain prevents the creation of employment, and yes it can be said that the primary issue is ensuring stability in employment and not precarious even more of the labour market. The high cost of dismissal is one of the arguments used to justify the difficulty to create employment interest. Those who defend this idea insist that jobs will only be created by facilitating the dismissal and reducing its cost. A hardly understandable theory posed by the problem upside down. The question is not how much money have or employers must spend to compensate laid-off workers, but what measures are effective to promote stability and to increase employment. In this sense, it is necessary to claim clear alternatives that focus on promoting stability and rationalizing the modalities of hiring is contributing to improve the own training and qualification of workers, as well as more fluid labour relations and a general improvement in motivation, productivity and competitiveness.

Statistics and legal regulation which has cheaper layoffs belies the idea that the dismissal is still expensive. In addition, this argument is related to the merits of the case: the stability of employment. We believe that stability is only favors from three factors: rationality in standards of indefinite contracts, qualification of workers and their capacity to adapt to new situations; and economic policies that favour a greater quantity and quality of employment. It is not true that obligations are imposed to Spanish businessmen costly when they decide to dispense with their workers. In a report on hiring temporary commissioned by the Ministry of labour and Social Affairs, is collected that Spain is situated in the mid-level in terms of costs for dismissal, behind countries such as Germany, France and Belgium. Therefore, it is not necessary, nor is justified, the need for another legal reform to further reduce the cost of compensation for dismissal and, in addition, is quite clear and recent its uselessness, both to generate employment and to promote stability.

With the labor reform techniques the dismissal and not only employment has not been created (on the contrary, was created less than in similar growth periods) but which favored the growth of precarious employment. And is that, as the poet said: we are in a boat / and we lost the oars. / And leads us to the current / a where we want less. Francisco Arias Solis in Christmas peace and freedom. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.

Thomas Crowell Company

Then we can realize that poverty is not only a phenomenon of loss comfort of life in physical, but also mental terms and other interrelated factors that are part of attitudes and values. In cities where extreme poverty is very pronounced emerging behaviors of inferiority, resentment, disappointment and even the spiral of cynicism by the conditions forced to which families are subject. And it is that these families are sharing these psychological effects, coupled with poor health conditions, of intellectual development, habits of consumption and moral conduct. Rebuild community life is a very complex but urgent task.

It is not only a problem of providing decent housing in a functional and pleasant environment, but social groups organization, is required to make on their own they can diagnose their priorities, perform work of self-help and institutions to request the corresponding assistances. References bibliographical ASCANIO, Alfredo. (1973). The future of our environment: prospects to the year 2000. Caracas: Sien. GIST, Noel and HALBERT, L.A.

(1975). Urban Society. New York: Thomas Crowell Company. HARRIS, Walter. (1975). The growth of cities in Latin America. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Marymar. LEDRUT, Raymond. (1968). The social space of the city. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu Editores. CURL pattern, Jorge. (1981). Economics of low-income groups. Lima: Universidad del Pacifico. TANGRI, Shanti. (1966). Urbanization, political stability, and economic growth. Editors Jason Finkle and Richard Gable. Political Development and Social Change. (pp. 305-319).New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Transparency International

In the storm where you know good pilot is regrettable given news, allegations such as these, which affect that in any way we can identify with the country where we live, we want and aspire to advance towards the quality of life that favors everyone in live. It is disturbing to read, listen to, that Venezuela is one of the most corrupt countries in the world according to the report recently released by the organization Transparency International in Berlin, in which Chile and Uruguay are located as the students models in Latin America, followed by Costa Rica and Cuba. As reported by according to transparency international, the 2009 study results indicate that corruption is seriously extended in Latin America. Venezuela is ranked 162 over 180 countries included in the study with a corruption perception index (CPI) 1.9%, just a few places ahead of Haiti, which is situated in the place 168 and is the worst of the American continent with a CPI of 1.8. These countries they have high levels of poverty and urgently require strong, transparent institutions that would facilitate her more than necessary economic development, according to transparency international. Chronicle confirms it. com MX that sunk at the bottom of the table, where level 1 represents widespread from public coffers, bribery and looting are countries at war as Somalia (1.1), as the most corrupt in the world, Afghanistan (1.3) and Iraq (1.3), followed by authoritarian as Burma (1.4), Sudan (1.5) or Iran (1.8).Next to these countries where the perception of corruption is larger than two Latin Americans sneak: Haiti (1.8), the poorest on the continent, and Venezuela (1.9), where is still in process the dismantling of democracy and his replacement by a Socialist regime and the absolute control of the oil-for-President Hugo Chavez.La President of TI in Germany, Sylvia Schenk denounced in these countries that do not reach even a level 2 in one scale where 10 is the maximum degree of transparency, hardly can be neither a medical appointment without bribing someone; the looting of the public coffers is generalized.Everything that is below 5 points is bad, said Schenk, who lamented that the majority of the 180 countries surveyed do not reach to be above that boundary. .

Finance Sector

The initiative has for itself to call the attention for the importance the collection and discarding of materials you recycle, in function of the amount of the raw material leftovers that reaproveitada would produce great amount of plastics generating new products to the market. An area destined for installation of a mechanical mill, the triturao of this reused material, generating new raw material for the consumption. After area of study of this enterprise, being that set free for the financial sector, it still passes for approval of the direction for its execution. This material of the leftovers and the recycled ones will be stored in metallic dumps-cart for disposal of the production.

The plastics is material synthetic polymers of the great flexibility of easy modeling through heat and pressure and substance cousin of the most varied objects. Being generally of the oil, they possess mixture complex and different temperatures of boiling, possible to separate them through the destillation process or craqueamento. Its characteristics of fusing or melting are divided in two groups in accordance with called thermoplastic and termorrgidos. The plastic originates from the Greek, its discovery was for the development of the system of vulcanization for Charles Goodyear in 1839, adding sulphur to the rude rubber. According to Schonbein (1846), the creation of the nitrocelulico, with addition of sulfuric acid and acid nitric to the cotton. The celluloid was developed, with addition of the camphor, this new product became substance cousin in the manufacture of photographic films, balls of sinuca, plates you would teethe and balls of drip pongue. The bakelite was the first synthetic polymer being able to be considered the first plastic created in 1909 for Leo Baekeland, it was the result of the reaction between phenol and formaldehyde became if useful for the hardness, resistance to the heat and the electricity.


Be honest with yourself. If you want to say your problem boldly out loud or write down on paper, but then leaf burn. Second, now in your mind there is a well-defined problem and thus motivation to solve it. Create yourself a clearly stated goal of your desires, that is what you actually want to achieve and write it down, he said aloud. If you know exactly what you want, then your brain will be much easier to solve its task, that’s what is needed clarity formulation. Third, find some time to dream about their future happiness, imagine that you have with your loved one and as you well with it, enjoy these thoughts.

But not for long, otherwise you’ll have a painful feeling that this is not. And the present and enjoy my thoughts to for the emergence of the fierce desire and effort to move forward towards your goals. Fourth, you have a clear goal, a great desire and of course the strength to move. It remains only to keep in mind constantly in motion on toward its goal, that is, you have come to think or plan, you immediately tested them in real life. If you stay, you will come back to the painful sensation of desire.

Or if you think too much, think a lot of plans, but do not check them in reality the same thing happen. Set a rule of thumb: think – did, and of course try to stick to it. Now you have everything you need for success – a goal, a great desire to achieve power, it remains only to act. Many people do not take seriously the plans succeed, but in vain, take any famous book on how to be successful and you will find something similar. We are all human, we all have a Soul, mind, consciousness, subconscious mind, for many years the great scientists have studied these features and vyvili patterns allowing work to make our internal systems efficiently. All that remains to do is to use all this knowledge for their own benefit, that we often simply laziness.