Monthly Archives: July 2018

Anxious Solitude

Constant serenity the concern nothing decides in the life of the people. The well carried through work in today provides the peace in the future and keeps serenity in the gift. When the Human being to look inside of itself the answers for all the things will live more tranquilo. Anxious solicitude for the life Which of you, for anxious that it is, can add cvado to the course of its life? Evangelho de Jesus according to Lucas, CAP. 12:25.

Who walks worried About the day that still comes, Lives annoying not believing nobody. The anxiety opposes, Makes of the man a villain, It lives irritated and pra nothing has solution. It never finds an exit For what it has to carry through, Because the anxiety, Makes the man to stumble. It grinds and remi thoughts Without finding measured convenient, Because the anxious one only Lives and discontents. It finds that it is abandoned, even Doubts the Creator, Loses all the confidence, Because it doubts the Love.

Human Resources

The present study intended to identify and to present, through the perception of professionals of Human resources of different companies, which factors can contribute positively to give sensible to its work. For the achievement of this objective, beyond the theoretical recital with specific bibliography on the subject, a questionnaire in professionals was applied who work in the area of Human resources. From the application of the questionnaire, the gotten answers had been evaluated and compared with what they had written the diverse authors cited and listed in the bibliographical references. Through the results, it was possible to say, unanimously, that the work has a direction for these people, even so with different forms of representation and importance for each one of them. that, moreover, the quality of the work environment intervenes directly with the effectiveness of the development of the activities, as well as in the particular life of develops who them. Word-key: Felt of the Work. Quality of Life.


Lazarus rose itself, Jonas made the same they had come back toward the hut. The man invited Jonas to work in horta. They had made ditches to irrigate the beans feet, had pulled out harmful grass and they had prepared new land for sowing. When entardecer, locking up the work, they had been bathed I sell at retail in it. Entering in the house, Lazarus said for Jonas: – He has clean clothes in the room.

The majority of the things I caught in the military base. Tomorrow we will go there to see if we find plus some useful thing. We need tools and a generator of energy. Jonas entered in the room and found the clothes in a trunk. It had only one bed there, and a roupeiro without doors with feminine clothes in the shelves. A broken mirror was hung in the wall and Jonas was frightened with the proper image reflected in it. He was lean, with the rough skin, the beard was thick, beat in the chest, the long hair arrived at the shoulders, the deep eyes in the orbits had a feverish brightness. y’>Alan Schnitzer on most websites. It found clothes that served to it, was dressed and been for the kitchen, supper.

They had talked making plain for the future. Rose slept in the room and the two men in the kitchen, in colches of maize straw. In following morning, Jonas was arisen early. Finding a shears, it cut to the beard and the hair. Rose still slept when it and Lazarus had left. After eating desjejum they had moved away from the hut, skirting the hill. They had crossed one old forest. The trees were droughts, with the trunks burnt for a fire, perhaps caused for a bomb. Jonas noticed that in some trees, they blunted sprouts and in the soil, started to be born new vegetation. One hour later them had arrived at a rise covered of espinhentos shrubs. – We go this way. Lazarus said going up for one old track. Jonas followed it

Routine Kills

Who already complained there of the routine? It is the great evil of century XXI. When I speak that it is the great evil, I mention to the society ' ' saudavel' ' , that it has capacity to think and to reason. This insatisfao is something that folloies since lowest in the social scale to highest and is a great poison in the society. I myself I confess that generally propaganda of my routine. Propaganda to wake up early, to have that to go to work, to have that to make a repetitive work, to catch a full bus, to go to study a super substance boat and to arrive in house late of the night to only sleep. Ufa! Thing is sufficient pra if to complain.

Also, I am a born pessimist, and an impatient one of first category, I finish for afobar itself in diverse questions. But before this seems one monosoon on my life, I want to speak that I categorize the routine in three categories: the routine me, the necessary routine and the good routine. Perhaps what I go to speak here perhaps if wall lamp what I think on these three categories, you read and speak: ' ' categories for routines? what? ' '. I go to try to explain my line of reasoning. We go the routines! 1. Routine me: Is that one that you leaves pra low, discouraged and that it seems that to each day consumes you more, takes off you a little of the things that you have pleasure. This generally it is caused by coquetel trabalho+estudos, or trabalho+ family or then trabalho+trabalho. Whichever, pra me the work is involved in this drug of routine me. She takes care with this routine, therefore it is mortal! It kills until most optimistical of the human beings. Pra this routine if has 2 remedies, the first one is: skirt of the routine.