Chocolate Cake

This tart, for Chocolate lovers, is formed by the three types of chocolate black, the milk and white. This blend is absolutely delicious, especially for those who have real predilection for chocolate candies. The cake three chocolates, there are multiple variants, some of them really treacly. I have chosen this one that I am going to teach because I believe that it is that most respects the flavours of chocolates, without adding more elements that modify its delicious flavor to them. Ingredients of the cake three Chocolates: 250 g of dark chocolate. A tablet of Nestle postres.250 chococolate with milk g. Two tablets of Nestle with leche.250 g of white chocolate.

Three tablets of chocolate blanco.600 oz. nata.600 oz. leche.3 sachets of curd.A package of maria biscuits and a bit of butter to make the base. We will start by making the base, so we blend the biscuits with chopped butter. We pour the result over a mold removable, dividing the dough evenly, and introduce it in the oven a few minutes, up to obtain a cake crispy. To make the black layer, we will put to heat the milk and cream, to which we add the chopped dark chocolate, and will wait that you dilute the mixture. We incorporate later soured, and let it heat slowly, stirring constantly for 7 minutes, stir constantly so it does not boil.

When it’s done we pour the cream over the biscuit base. We will follow the same procedure with the milk chocolate and pour it over the black. When we pour one mixture over the other have of avoiding that is hega a hole inside the first layer, to which will break the cascade of cream by dropping the liquid on a spoon. Finally we will follow the same procedure with white chocolate, and leave the cake to cool in the fridge. I can assure you that the result is absolutely delicious. Search among thousands of recipes, and find fabulous recipes like cake three Chocolates.