Afterwards, it is always smarter. For this, you must adhere but not necessarily as a mediator. So a BGH judgment on liability of the investment advisor due to injury his testing duties. Berlin, 19.04.2013 – intermediaries are not liable if later positions of the concept prove inaccurate, that previously were not recognisable in the context of the validation, so the Supreme Court in a recent judgment. A consultancy contract is completed with the inclusion of a consultation between advisors and customer at least implied. From this follows inter alia the obligation to the object-oriented”advice.
Then the investment advisor to those properties and risks of the investment object has to point out, that have important significance for the individual investment decision. Check who an investment a customer will recommend, it must therefore with critical expertise”. Will fail this test, this only leads to a liability if in advance a risk was identified had to be informed about this. The German Federal Court (BGH) now has a “recent decision to position, when as a there are reasonable grounds” is, a risk is identified, is to distrust the information in a brochure so when during a test or in-depth investigations are to operate. Occasion for critical questions to exist if a position in a prospectus is not plausible according to the BGH. Therefore, this test is also validation”called” specialised so lawyer Dietmar Goerz of adhesion processes in the financial service management firm GPC Law. In a prospectus was implausible, so the Supreme Court, if there is no comprehensible reason in the intended investments for this position or whose height apparently moves outside of the reasonable frame.
But positions in a brochure, which are rather insignificant in relation to the total cost must be even broken down according to the judges in Karlsruhe. This applies especially when for the investors in the framework of cost composition before the respective total amount of position of importance is all. Because the total amount was insight which expenses or other soft costs”are costs and how much money will be invested in the investment object, whose market value determines the value of the investment in the main. Irrelevant if, according to the drawing positions of the investment concept prove the investment na, which were previously undetectable. When an investment adviser, for example, not suspected had to huddle up, that a cost item is hidden donations to the founding shareholders. “The decision is once again positive for the brokers of capital investments, so the lawyer of Gorizia. It often happens that mediators be held liable together with the product dealer for problems within an investment, were not identifiable for asshole. This is always a difficult question.