In the game of life we are called to be players and get actively involved in winning the game. Similar to our favorite team of football, basketball, baseball, or anyone who is our favorite sport, we see players with a great bond and loyalty to the team, esmerando by win and make the difference. These players choose to be present and you can count on that they will give their all to the game. These players are known as the MVP (most valuable players) due to the impact on the final result of the game. Players are reluctant to take risks or to negotiate their dreams and aspirations, because these are the deepest desires of his soul. The genuine commitment refers to pour your heart and your mind on something.
What it is to feel something so passionately that you work with all your strength in the pursuit of them. By contrast, the decoupling and all his companions travel; frustration, despair, discouragement and apathy, seated dwelling in you when you lose heart. If you work only from your mind, your heart atrophy; runs out of life and is disabled, and you lose a very important part of yourself. Ask people who left behind successful careers for something they always wanted to do: where did you find the value? What was your greatest momentum? If they are sincere, most of them will tell you: I started to listen to my heart. I followed the steps of my intuition.
Not long ago the life of Mike and Kimberly Henshaw tacked is upside down. Kimberly was MOM of two small and Mike Biologo, treatment this time profession and felt that he needed something more. So study and graduated lawyer, working at a law firm. But not step much time until he began to question his decision. Does that had his life become? The same route to work every day, the same Office, the same faces of his colleagues, perhaps the numbers of cases were different, but the themes were all equal.