Rappenauer Andreas Herrmann

The bad Rappenauer classical music days are busy boom in bad Rappenau a jewel is grown. The classic days period of four years from a small, humble event to an event with supra-regional character have blossomed between baths, sole, and clinics. The quality of the performances impressed the audience as well as the organisation team. “Dieter well Saha, Managing Director of BTB bath Rappenauer tourism operating GmbH, is pleased with the developments: we had itself not such a success expected,” he has to understand. This year we welcome artists of world level, which are internationally active and on big stages at home.” The series starts on July 5 with the so-called concert before the concert in the foyer of the Kurhaus bad Rappenau. The prelude of classical music days is celebrated with a trumpet, two violins and a wing.

Admission is free, because it would allow interested all ages, free of inhibitions and clothes forced The artistic director of the classic days, Guy Ramon explains to sniff,”concert atmosphere. In the wake of the world-famous Tolzer will be heard Boys Choir. The choir is extremely popular with up to 250 concerts per year in all men’s countries. Herbert von Karajan and Daniel Barenboim already held the line. “On Thursday, July 11, the Baroque flautist Stefan Temmingh and his ensemble present their current program with the euphonious name of the gentleman’s flute a Baroque sound Festival”.

Pieces by Vivaldi and Handel presented mostly in original Edit. All five members of the ensemble are engaged as lecturers at colleges of music and have already won prizes at international competitions. “With the concert of the gentleman’s flute” they include music award nominated for the international classic. Also Sofia Cabruja and Carles Lama are widely travelled artist. From Girona, the two pianists gave already concerts in New York, Tokyo, Moscow and Buenos Aires. “In her speech piano espagnol” let you will hear a mixture of registered and fiery Spanish piano music for four hands. The duo, whose precise engineering regularly ensures buzz among music critics, in bad Rappenau guest is on July 14. The program is concluding the concert series and at the same time the regional reference on July 20″pearls of romanticism, presented by the Heilbronner Symphony Orchestra. Since 1977, Professor Peter Braschkat heads the traditional Orchestra. At the bad Rappenauer classical days the musicians received support from the 21 year old solo violinist Anna Matz from Dresden. On this evening, works by Mendelssohn, among others will be listening to Schubert and Bizet. Because the audience not only with the ears, but also with the eyes to enjoy, the native Rappenauer Andreas Herrmann accompanying exhibits works of art to the classic days. Initially his work, which has long been the forgotten art of Encaustic of wax painting dedicated to, in the spa to be seen later in the moated castle. The ancient Egyptians already turned the colour-intensive In the Sarkophag-and icon-painting. On the sound side one has deliberately opted this year for a consistently classic concept. In contrast to the previous years no more modern interpretations are scattered, it stays true to the classical music. Enjoy is the motto”this time, explains Guy Ramon. Next year it will again cheer.”