Routine Kills

Who already complained there of the routine? It is the great evil of century XXI. When I speak that it is the great evil, I mention to the society ' ' saudavel' ' , that it has capacity to think and to reason. This insatisfao is something that folloies since lowest in the social scale to highest and is a great poison in the society. I myself I confess that generally propaganda of my routine. Propaganda to wake up early, to have that to go to work, to have that to make a repetitive work, to catch a full bus, to go to study a super substance boat and to arrive in house late of the night to only sleep. Ufa! Thing is sufficient pra if to complain.

Also, I am a born pessimist, and an impatient one of first category, I finish for afobar itself in diverse questions. But before this seems one monosoon on my life, I want to speak that I categorize the routine in three categories: the routine me, the necessary routine and the good routine. Perhaps what I go to speak here perhaps if wall lamp what I think on these three categories, you read and speak: ' ' categories for routines? what? ' '. I go to try to explain my line of reasoning. We go the routines! 1. Routine me: Is that one that you leaves pra low, discouraged and that it seems that to each day consumes you more, takes off you a little of the things that you have pleasure. This generally it is caused by coquetel trabalho+estudos, or trabalho+ family or then trabalho+trabalho. Whichever, pra me the work is involved in this drug of routine me. She takes care with this routine, therefore it is mortal! It kills until most optimistical of the human beings. Pra this routine if has 2 remedies, the first one is: skirt of the routine.