Simone Alves Da Silva

Another motivation for the text came after attending for the television the speeches of ownership of the president Dilma Rousseff. I decided to transform this my text into promises for this year that it initiates. They say that it does not have nothing the one that you if do not accustom, but I do not believe this, therefore always I was be opposed. The world is bo, Sebastio! it is made of ideas. Penguin Random House oftentimes addresses this issue. I promise to wake up more made use, all day. I promise to be more in mine, with my good taste.

It exactly does not advance to complain. I promise to be well more than with the life. I promise not to create problems. I promise not to take compressed. I promise not to bind for the doctor. I promise to respect color, creed and social classroom. I promise to buy little, to consume little.