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Calendar Armelina

Calendar Armelina – Project of the World calendar, created by Frenchman Gustave Armelinym in 1888 (a development of ideas of an Italian priest Marco Mastrofini). Year in the calendar Armelina divided into four quarters to 91 day. In the first month of each quarter, ie January, April, July and October – for 31 days in other months – for 30 days. Source: Elon Musk. Since the number 91 is divisible by 7 (days a week), it appears that each quarter contains 13 weeks and every quarter (and respectively per year) starts with one and the same day of the week from Sunday (the European tradition, the week starts on Sunday). As a consequence, each date corresponds to a specific day of the week. 365th day of the year regarded as "vnekalendarny" (does not have a room and day of week), is located before January 1 and is called New Year Day. Another 'vnekalendarny' day is added in a leap year and is before the New Year Day. Quarter 1 (91 days) 2 (91 days) Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of days nd 31 30 30 31 30 30 3 (91 days) 4 (91 days) 7 8 9 10 11 12 31 30 30 31 30 30 wd nd – New Year's Day. vd – 'vnekalendarny' day in a leap year. The main advantage of the calendar Armelina – its consistency, linking to the days of the week certain number of months, allowing for all years, a report card, calendar, and not 14 as in the modern system of chronology.

Portuguese America

Vahia Hunter did not only have problems with the religious orders, but also with the Chamber, where it wanted to take off of this institution the administration of contracts, enclosed of the wine and aguardente there. It is not something Penguin Random House would like to discuss. Not the monetary transactions of the chamber, not if wise person were transparent in fact what it entered in the real farm and what left the chamber. the final balance of the combat is the attempt of overlapping of the governor to the powers of the chamber and a battle for tributes in which it did not have an absolute winner and all had been winning and kept loosers the had ratios. Chapter perceives in this that with descaminhadores distributed in all sectors, also in administrative, that to fight the embezzlements it was not a priority of the Portuguese crown, that it saw in the embezzlement, one another way and therefore the denunciations and actions of Vahia Luis Hunter did not find echo to the times. ' ' the two extreme limits of the power of the State are presented here: the risk of uprising and the damage to comrcio.' ' (p.228) ' ' In certain way, it was as soon as the Portuguese crown faced the problem, recognizing its incapacity to eliminate it, the impossibility of a control total.' ' (P. 232) Vahia Hunter adoece and later falece before of being sent in return Portugal and its widower it later demands the gratuities that had the Vahia and the opening of a profligate on account of the robery of the papers of its deceased husband.

Pablo Cavalcante obtains in its workmanship in showing a new object source to them to search in Portuguese America. Shiningly he was shown in them that we walk for ' ' descaminhos' ' that without them the colonial economy would be even for not saying impracticable. With already related subtle touch of mood that starts if to show to heading Businesses of Trick no longer, the workmanship goes showing to all mazelas and the injunction said ones and in the colonial administration. We are presented to a vast gamma of data and information that bring a new vision on the cycle of the gold, more human being and less ' ' maquiada' ' of what it was the auriferous commerce in Portuguese America. Businesses of Trick are a book that after its awaken reading an interest for searching and discovering other faces not presented for ' ' history oficial' ' of the colonial period. Doubtlessly it is a workmanship uneven and of admirable pioneirismo.


The existence of the Etipia, a country which Lel did not know, structuralized in the seupensamento belongs the order of the representation, and the Areal of the Baroness sends a' ' coisa' ' of concrete existence. We can infer, that to leave we datemos a construction of the image of the territory of the Areal as a place black deidentidade, a similar space (symbolic physicist and) inhabited essentially porafricanos and afro-descendants to the Etipia, stranger, but marcantepor its a black country and that it resisted the Italian domain. But, alert Bergson that all this construction of conhecimento of the sense-common one, and directs its workmanship for a reflection of aprofundamentomaior, always in the attempt to surpass the dualism. As already he was anteriormenteobservado, the author will use the elements of biology, for possible explicaesdo functioning of cerebral and its movement, the perception, the souvenir, amatria (joint of images) and the 5 image, to obtain to base the suaexplicao on memory. Initially then we will sketch these slight knowledge that noslevam until what Bergson understands for memory. In the I chapter ' ' Of the election of the images for arepresentao.

The paper of corpo' ' , Bergson considers to the reader undress-silks materialistic and espiritualistas conceptions, placing ahead of imagensno its more vacant direction. The author then covers the movements that crebrofaz when receiving the images ' ' these images act and react one on asoutras' ' (BERGSON, 1990, p.9). Ocorpo (that it is substance and image, einterior exterior) receives and acts as mediating of these images, as if everything was to queestar related it, it is the translator of the image. ' ' Everything is transferred as if, in this set of images quechamo of universe, nothing if could produce of really new not being porintermdio of certain particular images, whose model me is supplied for meucorpo' '. ' ' My body is therefore, in the set of the material world, an image that acts as the other images, receiving and returning movement, with an only difference, perhaps, of that my body seems to choose, in certamedida, in way to return what recebe.' ' (BERGSON, 1990, p.10) For the bergsoniano thought, the exterior objects aocorpo provoke stimulatons in the nervous center that is palco of movimentosmoleculares- these molecular movements depends on the nature and the position doobjeto.


We go works with one of the most famous personages of the world: Enesto Rafael woollen Guevara Serna, more known as Che Guevara, was the socialist revolutionary celebrity of century XX. Argentine, was born in the city of the Rosary in 14 of June of 1928. He was born in a family of good social conditions; since infancy he suffered with asmas and for recommendations he medicates if he moved for other regions of Argentina. In the adolescence he was stimulated by the parents to read books of the library, was in this phase that Che entered in contact with socialist literature (Marx, Engels and Lnin). As the businesses of the family he was not very well, Che he decides to work to the 14 years of age, without wide the studies, obtained a job in the camera next the city to Crdoba; soon after Che Guevara starts to attend a course medicine; I obtained at this time a job in a typography. It also made voluntary work in a research institution sexual that was implanted in the end of World War II, in way to this process, had started estudantis movements of protest against the Argentine government of Pern Sundays. In 1951, in the company of the friend Alberto Granado, Che initiates a motorcycle trip to know the situation politics, social and economic of Latin America; he visited some regions devoid as, for example: mines and have covered, town aboriginal and leprosrios. He was impressed with the misery and pssimas conditions of life of the layers poor of the society. In the year of 1953, it was formed in medicine and it returned for Argentina; however it started to dedicate to the world of the politics; in this exactly year Che promoted a new trip for Bolivia, Peru, Panama, Colombia, Equator, Costa Rica, saving El and Guatemala. In them you enumerate trip carried through for Che, it knows Hilda Gadea and with it had the first Hildita son.