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School Uniforms

Using to advantage that we are initiating the school year, and next to this it comes an interminable expense of pertaining to school materials, we desire to speak on an item of great importance, the Pertaining to school Uniform. The use of the pertaining to school uniform clearly facilitates to the life of parents and mothers of pupils, a time that provides the reduction of expense with clothes so that its son can frequentar the school. Beyond bringing economy to the parents, we understand that the use of pertaining to school uniforms brings great security to the pupils, since the blazon of the school that in it is printed makes possible to give to the student a referencial of which institution of education that is registered. It is known that the use of uniforms does not fall in the taste of the pupils, mainly when these are in the adolescence, varied time where they desire to demonstrate to be able and acceptance through mark clothes or styles. Leaving of side the particularitities on the use of uniforms, it fits to inform us that Law 3,913/1983 of the State of So Paulo, establishes that it of So Paulo is forbidden that to the official establishments of education Been they establish the obligator use of the use of Uniforms. In this way, the schools ‘ ‘ pblicas’ ‘ natives of So Paulo, cannot hinder that the pupils leave of frequentar the lessons due to lack of the use of uniforms, understand that the educational establishment can demand the use, must at least supply it. We think that by this being a state Law, can be extended to the municipal schools, but not to the particular schools, a time that stops the ingression in this if makes by means of act of contract through express clauses.