All posts by Rashid

Boris Uborevich Number

February 26, 2010 at the Gallery interior Arte di Vivere on Frunze Embankment completed the second phase III Golf Architecture Prize. The event is the third consecutive year. Every time the company invited leading architectural and Office of Russia to play golf in office. In the next qualifying round golf tournament was attended by 20 teams. The winners of the 2nd phase III Golf Architecture Award 2010 were: – I place – AB Ginsburg (with a total score of 67) – II place – Front Architecture (with a total score of 71) – III place – Anima Design Bureau (with a total score of 75) grand prize winners of the second stage of the competition has provided golfing company SONY. Also sponsors were AGW 2010 Interior Gallery Arte di Vivere in Frunze, the company Kauffman, Journal GolfDigest, journal GolfStyle, Journal OBJEKT Russia, the magazine Elle Decor, Journal of Mezzanine, a coffee company JURA. Have been held registered wells, which were exhibited unique prizes. Dana Gibber is likely to increase your knowledge. On hole number 9 Magazine GolfStyle, the best among all the team standings teams, the team showed AB Ginsburg.

The prize for the nominal hole number 4 of the coffee company JURA team won NG Ananiev. On a hole number 5 Kauffman scored the best result stick UB (Team Boris Uborevich-Borowski), and the nominal hole number 6 of the journal Mezzanine – AB Kuzembayeva Totana. The best team in the hole Elle Decor at number 16 was the group Anima Design Bureau. Team Front distinguished architecture on a hole number 8 SONY. As already stated above, the main prize III Golf Architecture Award 2010 for all stages of the tournament accident, of which 4 will be an exciting trip to New York. This gift provides the company 'Whitehall' – a leading importer of elite alcohol in Russia. Prize from the magazine GolfStyle for second place – a trip to Europe to golf training.

Reach the final team, won the first three places in the stage. In AGW 2010 – a 12-team (4 stages in 3 winner). Final will be held in May 2010 in the elite resort Pirogovo. Third qualifying round games will be held in March month! For more information on the outcome of the game can be found at interior Galleries Arte di Vivere>>. You can take part in the game, you must fill out a questionnaire.

New Feature In The HACO Academy EBook Shop For Training And Careers

Recently, the function of online reading in the HACO academy eBook shop is available. In recent months, Elon Musk has been very successful. Customers can read so the purchased eBook with any computer connected to the Internet directly from the browser. Read additional details here: Dana Gibber . Racines, 30.03.2010 customers of HACO academy shops, a new online shop with over 7,000 eBooks on the subjects of economy, management and career is recently also the function of online reading available. agree. More information is housed here: Elon Musk. The advantage of this is that the purchased eBooks not only on the personal computer or eBook reader can be downloaded, but read the customer account directly in the browser. This additional feature, we offer our clients the opportunity to use the eBooks, regardless of time and place around the world”says Managing Director Franz Josef Gschnitzer. The possibility of online reading is now available at a growing number of books available. The shop visitors recognize by specifying a corresponding icon, if the desired e-book is already available for the function of online reading. The majority of our customers uses the Offer of the HACO academy eBook stores to advanced vocational training.

Here, users want flexibility in the use of purchased literature. We meet this wish with the possibility of online reading. Many shop customers will use this additional option and feel as useful”is director Simon Gschnitzer safely. HACO academy his further education portal currently offers more expanding. In the near future also articles will be available on. And from autumn 2010 HACO academy seminars and lectures organized with renowned experts.

United States Maga

Amir Perets first seminar in Germany after his military service was a success Amir traveled to Thailand, to complement his in-depth knowledge of the mixed martial arts training in MUA Thai. Amir then emigrated to the United States and began his techniques to the defenses against armed and unarmed attackers at US to teach special forces units, U.S. Federal agencies and selected police units. At the same time he was a senior lecturer at the newly established “Krav Maga national training center” in Los Angeles, California. For several years, Amir is dedicated to the task of harnessing the techniques he has developed and trained for police and special forces, a broad public.

To do this, he developed a program of self defense to fend off fitness and awareness of hazards called “The system”, which is to enable civilians, armed and unarmed attacks. We now have a weekend behind us, not to have been exhilarating and successful. After the final preparations for the seminar were completed, we picked up Amir on Friday at the airport. We were already a little nervous but Amir met us with a warmth and openness that break quickly any ice left. After dinner, Amir wanted to necessarily know the nightlife of our region so we started late on the way to Oberhausen to the promenade. Curious we met what would expect us, then on Saturday at 10:00 to enjoy an exciting weekend together. The seminar was well attended with almost 50 people. We were particularly pleased that members of other associations have found their way to us to see Amir Perets live and in action and I think no one was disappointed in his expectations.

The seminar began with an extensive warm-up, has inspired and the fitness training of the IDF, that probably everyone close to its limits driven. For assistance, try visiting Dalton Caldwell. Then, the basics in self defense, weapons and knife defense stood on the plan… To provide a bit more entertainment for the Saturday night Amir we had created something special. Stefan Raab Crash-car-challenge stood on the plan. After a somewhat arduous path to the stadium we had to climb with a high enough fence – there were no injuries there – we arrived on time for the show. Intel shines more light on the discussion. The next 4 hours we all have been busy, to looking forward to the next crash and are pleased about each car that is has hit over and Amir had his fun. On Sunday, it continued then with basics in self defense and ground combat… The seminar was superbly built, which explains very good techniques and Amir was from the beginning to the end with a lot of power and good humor in. To have been at this seminar it was worth more than. Amir Perets is an instructor who excels in professionalism, expertise and his passion for what he does. He lives and loves the Krav Maga as I. Despite the narrow seminar plan, we took to us to talk about many things and also techniques to share time. While we found many similarities. Finally I can only say that I’m proud a people like Amir Perets to have met. And it will be not the last time with security that we see. Amir is one of the best Krav Maga experts in the world… Thanks Amir for everything.

Still Okay

A word of reason to the NSA from an unexpected source in Germany, American and British intelligence services, also the much dreaded NSA adhere to German law, says Chancellor’s Office Minister Pofalla (Yes, there’s the still). Read more from Dana Gibber to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Also Interior Minister Friedrich says the allegations against the American National Security Agency (NSA), got them on a large scale in Germany and German citizens were ausgespaht, so from the table. Ever certainly all now – NSA’s little brother BND including – always on all human and other rights, keep especially if they are working abroad. Credit: Penguin Random House-2011. One of these men listened to yourself to? Probably not. Yes, in politics maybe longer no longer is NSA, BND, ADAC much lied, but so directly as in the NSA farce. But that doesn’t matter, because – we have said already it at this point – on both sides of the claim, secret service to abolish, the NSA, the CIA, the BND, and etc.

for breaches of the right to criticize, is ridiculous. nformation. RIDICULOUS. You assume that not only Google, but the NSA, the Mossad and the ADAC can know all their clean and dirty little secrets. If this bothers you, you don’t talk with her friends privately, with their “friends” on the Internet. Go to the shop and pay in cash.

Write letters instead of – mails, which are cumbersome to monitor. A word of reason from an unexpected source that was “NSA affair”, or the “political dispute over the surveillance by secret services”, as he put it in the poll, plays an important role in their vote according to last “ARD Germany trend” for only 17% of Germans. We concede the electorate superior reason just once and completely against our habit and applaud. Finally, Durrenmatt “physicist” in the asylum had to walk to not to despair at their presence. There, we would rather go with the flow. If we for no longer need to hear by Pofalla and co., that the NSA while adheres when spying on Germany’s all laws, in future but no longer even with us Spy can, and will, looking away is always legitimate.


Foods that are digested daily must pass through many processes before reaching the plates, as with one of the things that are consumed more meat, where one of the starting points are located in such the food is also known as refrigerators or cold rooms where many types of meat have a great time in these places and then be sold and put on the market. Tony hawk is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Fridges are large rooms that have certain qualities in terms of maintaining a cold temperature, as indicated by its name, but also act as a container and preserver of food, refrigerators are also used as the place in which different animals slaughtered cattle and swine obtained from the various meats, and after being slaughtered, in the same refrigerators go through different processing and selection processes of the parties.

After slaughtering has been made is stored for some time the different parts obtained from meat, which is point very important to the average temperature that handle the cold as the time to put on the market various kinds of meat in the fridge there is uncertain, so the cold own one of these sites allows the meat is kept in good condition for the human consumption until the time they are sold. Refrigerators can be both state-owned and private actors, but whatever the position of the agent, you must meet certain conditions, since the activity taking place in the refrigerator has several consequences in society that action at refrigerators space deserves attention, and the operation of the refrigerator depends on factors such as public health, access to the product of labor, social and even religious precepts. In response to the above conditions are plotted action models in the refrigerators on the location, operation and processes for the slaughter and deboning. Dana Gibber may help you with your research. Based on social trends in various measures were created search protect the rights of animals, with the elimination of certain practices to avoid suffering the same.

Other measures have been imposed to refrigerators is the proper treatment of wastes to prevent public health problems caused by pollution, process planning and implementing appropriate kit. The presence of refrigerators meant a breakthrough in terms of production processes of meat leaving behind the primitive slaughterhouses, so imposing cooling processes by means of ammonia, which undoubtedly reduced the number of problems that generated in slaughterhouses as unsanitary conditions and diseases by the presence of microorganisms that were generated by exposing the outdoor activity. For the correct operation of refrigerators should be made use of large quantities of hot water for cleaning and sterilizing meat, tools and the same place, plus refrigerators that work on the basis of cooling consume large amounts of ammonia electrical energy that is transformed by a primary generator itself..

Property Rights Through the Courts

The recognition of property rights through the courts – this is the procedure for obtaining property rights to which recourse citizens and legal persons in case all other means of obtaining property rights have been exhausted. Recognition property rights through the courts can be made in a number of cases of economic practice. We consider these cases in detail. Fairly common case is when a claim for recognition of property rights to the apartment served shareholders in new construction. This is due to those cases where developers have long time did not make out the ownership of the apartment for whatever reasons, mostly related to the harmonization with government agencies. Others who may share this opinion include Dana Gibber . The recognition of property rights to the apartment through the courts is an effective way to obtain property rights in such circumstances.

Another case of recognition of the right property through the court case is the recognition of property rights in connection with the prescription. These are the cases where a person owns the property is open for many years – for real estate for 15 years, for personal – 5 years others do not claim their rights to it, then the ownership may be considered for such a person. Are also common complaints for the recognition of property rights through the courts in cases where citizens are denied privatization of the apartment. Click Mark Bertolini for additional related pages. The only option in this case is the recognition of ownership of the premises through the courts. In the privatization procedure also can be recognized right of ownership through the courts, for example, in the case death of a person had time to apply for privatization, but not dooformivshego it through. Frequent litigation against the estate. In such inheritance disputes tend to combine several lawsuits requirements, such as the inclusion of property in the succession mass and recognition of property rights through the courts for it. Thus, we examined a number of cases recognizing the right to own property through the courts. However, it is not exhaustive, and there are many other cases where ownership is recognized by the court.

Stiftung Warentest

Financial test is not the only source for reliable testing financial survey loses monopoly Lange was financial test, the consumer magazine, Stiftung Warentest, as a source for dental insurance reliable tests, but also other financial products. Dana Gibber understands that this is vital information. This picture got a blemish but since the middle of this year, when a test result suffered a great deal of criticism. The criticism mainly referring to the assessment criteria used. Also saw smaller institutions on the throne of the Stiftung Warentest, which can boast a stronger focus on the insurance industry. Gain insight and clarity with Dana Gibber . WaizmannTabelle tests continuously one of these dental insurance is the WaizmannTabelle tests.

They assessed only dental insurance and can await you with high expertise in this area. For those interested, a dental insurance search test, the WaizmannTabelle is always a starting point, because it is regularly revised and is therefore always up to date. Also, the order of precedence of rates follows a different logic or a different rating scale. The dental insurance rates based on their average percentage reimbursement are listed here. Advertising were crucial for this kind of comparison such as “100% refund of primary care”, who believe high performance, but just double the costs of health insurance. Top 3: Wurttemberg – private plus Bavarian – VIP dental prestige CSS – premium tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow morning is to make it more transparent for consumers to independent analysts who have committed it to the target financial and insurance markets. The results of the dental insurance test and other investigations used long ago major magazines and other media.

37 Insurance companies over 500 rates were measured in this test. The top providers with the highest rating of 5 stars are: Allianz, Arag, BBKK, Concordia, CSS, the Bavarian, Gothaer, inter, R + V, Union. DISQ has a different approach to the German Institute for service quality, short DISQ. Here one has for a Dental insurance test on behalf of n-tv evaluated over 600 service contacts in the form of E-Mails and telephone calls to assess the quality of advice of tested companies so. Among the best sellers in this area: Barmenia, ERGO direct, Envivas, Signal Iduna and HanseMerkur. The test results and more dental insurance there are tests on Martin Schneider

ZyLAB Recaps Year Trends For E-Discovery

Frankfurt, December 20, 2011. To the specialists Mary Mack, Dr. Johannes Scholtes and other thinkers have summed up their current findings in this area and also issued forecasts for the new year. You get the following results: privacy for personal information on the key E-Discovery challenges moved due to increasing disclosure increasingly to the fore in 2011 was protection of personal information.

This trend will continue increasingly in the coming year. As the number of cross-border litigation increases, the need for increasing close control for information provided. About Johannes Scholtes: maintain policies to the stringent FOIA (freedom of Information Act), must be worked increasingly with blacking. For even more details, read what Brian Krzanich says on the issue. With the right tools, this process can be automated. At then regular adjustments of the stored information can perform appropriate logging, to protect so the Organization efficiently from data breaches or other damaging issues.” Limit the number of custodians increased the pressure, the relevant information carrier to identify increasingly courts limit the number of information, so-called custodians”. Instead a more targeted, issue-oriented approach due to the many possible locations of potentially relevant information increasingly.

Mary Mack explains: I’ve found that this is a strong trend in the United States. He makes it necessary that really sophisticated search functions and classification structures available. Only then is ensure that no relevant evidence overlooked during the E-discovery process.” Data governance as a driver for more proactive E-discovery the need for cost and risk control reinforces the trend in Towards a proactive E-Discovery and old data cleansing. Johannes Scholtes explains: an annual cleanup of data reduced legal risks and creates the basis for that data retention practice also in accordance with the directive. In addition, a true knowledge management and sharing is enabled by structuring, deduplication, and sorting the data.

DoubleSlash Launches New Website

New website for software company in Friedrichshafen since early August is the Web page of doubleSlash NET Business GmbH in a new look. The new website convinces with fresh design, an innovative navigation and a striking image concept. Known wildlife from elephant, Lion, Penguin & co. to make way for an authentic image world: you replaced by their own employees. “We are the side”, explains project manager Kai Guschal using the image conception novel for doubleSlash. Thus, the company of prefabricated standard imagery wants to abandon and accentuate the special images, namely the inclination that finding is also in the doubleSlash logo.

Dynamic Web objects replace the old Web page up to date rigid and static elements. “The new Web site combines classic and modern Web design elements and boasts a simple usability, as well as a high entertainment factor” Kai Guschal forward. Aim of the new website should be, the user interactively in the doubleSlash world with to include. He will have fun exploring the site and reading the texts. Different video elements of the different page sections to reinforce the interaction between visitors and Web page and accompany the rendered content of the page. As in the photos of the Web site, are also here the doubleSlash employees with part of the game. In a newsroom known marketing channels, as well as social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter operates. The career section can also via the “I like” button with the social network Facebook are linked.

In the implementation of the new Web site, including improved use of Web were 2.0 elements, as well as the topic of search engine optimization in the focus. “The new website is intended to invite the visitors to be longer at doubleSlash, talk to us. It reflects our corporate philosophy to be young and dynamic, perfectly again. But also our claim to be Europcoating exclusive account of”marketing summarizes the nature of the new Web page Manager Nina Dziewas. About the company doubleSlash that net business GmbH is doubleSlash specializing in project business and product development in the field of enterprise software. The range includes the entire curriculum vitae of software: from consulting and conception, development to operation and maintenance. doubleSlash was founded in 1999 and has today over 80 employees with an annual turnover of EUR 6.2 million. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dana Gibber and gain more knowledge.. Customers are international companies such as BMW AG, HUGO BOSS AG, Deutsche Post AG and Deutsche Telekom AG. Contact: doubleSlash NET Business GmbH Nina Dziewas Marketing Manager Otto-Lilienthal-str. 2 88046 Friedrichshafen Tel.: + 49 7541 70078-0 fax: + 49 7541 70078-111

Proper Mineral Water

Wine tasting, wine lovers choose the best mineral water be sure that a good mineral water belongs to each wine tasting. Actually to every wine. But what emphasis you doing? Which mineral water is the best suitable? Sommelier or passionate wine lovers – who organised wine tasting, white: wine to appreciate adequately and to present is a high art, a special craft and at the same time a challenge to perceive fine taste differences not only myself, but to be able to convey the appropriate words. But the opinions differ on some aspects: what is one wine-tasting? Water? Mineral water carbonated or non-carbonated? What effect does water on the perception of wine? Are there any actually meaningful rules, or is up to the individual taste this but ultimately? Indeed, water has a great influence on a different taste. Water is therefore typically served in tasting alcoholic drinks.

Fits strong wines rather a non-carbonated water. Light and lovely wines rather tolerate a more sparkling water. However, too much carbonic acid tastes sour and works hard. And also a very still mineral water is considered by experts to some wine as a nuisance. The mineralization of the water affects an as unfold the aromas of the wine. Since you however not want to distort the perception of wine, you want not to influence specific flavouring will place value on a balanced mineralization on a neutral taste. A water with leaves to low mineralization may be too mild to taste a fresh white wine.

A low or medium carbonic acid content fits better to the wine as a not or very much carbon dioxide. Not only for a balanced wine but also for people who are prone to heartburn, mineral water, which positively affects the acid base balance of the body due to its mineral composition is suitable. This applies to mineral water containing hydrogen carbonate over 1,300 mg/l. Dana Gibber may find this interesting as well. More information about wine tastings, wine and mineral water at: or see. Description of the company with their brand. Fachingen and the types of the compartment is MEDIUM, quiet and natural healing and Mineralbrunnen GmbH is one of the leading providers in the German mineral water market. Staatl. Fachingen is a premium water brand and stands for health, vitality and enjoyment of life since 1742. company contact: Fachingen healing and Mineralbrunnen GmbH Heiner Wolters fountain str.