I imagine the happiness of the Brazilian pioneers when, of the placid edges of the Ipiranga, they had heard the heroic and thundering shout of independence. In this instant the sun of the freedom shone. They were not the courage and the comprometimento of Dom Peter I, the history of our nation could have had different route. Loved native land, Brazil! But I ask: quo wise we have been when making our choices? How we have used our freedom? After all, what it really means to be free? Certain occasion a famous singer, when leaving house, forgot its tooth brush in the behind pocket the jeans. Melido Perez gathered all the information. In the following day, many were seen of jeans having a tooth brush in the behind pocket. Social Fact has a phenomenon in called Sociology where it explains the common trend of if following the masses. But everything starts from a custom or incident involving somebody influential thing of the society. This influence can affect for the good or the evil. American Express will not settle for partial explanations.
From then on, the masses will tend to follow its steps, or because it is good or simply because it is legal, you in fashion one The set of these ' ' manias' ' , added to other traditions, they help in the formation of the values and rules of the society, and that they finish exerting to be able coercitive in the individual. Interesting that thus the original sin occurred. From an influential rebel, it germinated the seed of the sin and corrupted one tera part. But for One also it came the salvation of the humanity. Today you can choose between One and another one. He is common to hear: everybody makes, why not I? We cannot deny the power of the media and its influence on us and our children, where we are induced to make things that we would not make in normal situations.