Still Okay

A word of reason to the NSA from an unexpected source in Germany, American and British intelligence services, also the much dreaded NSA adhere to German law, says Chancellor’s Office Minister Pofalla (Yes, there’s the still). Read more from Dana Gibber to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Also Interior Minister Friedrich says the allegations against the American National Security Agency (NSA), got them on a large scale in Germany and German citizens were ausgespaht, so from the table. Ever certainly all now – NSA’s little brother BND including – always on all human and other rights, keep especially if they are working abroad. Credit: Penguin Random House-2011. One of these men listened to yourself to? Probably not. Yes, in politics maybe longer no longer is NSA, BND, ADAC much lied, but so directly as in the NSA farce. But that doesn’t matter, because – we have said already it at this point – on both sides of the claim, secret service to abolish, the NSA, the CIA, the BND, and etc.

for breaches of the right to criticize, is ridiculous. nformation. RIDICULOUS. You assume that not only Google, but the NSA, the Mossad and the ADAC can know all their clean and dirty little secrets. If this bothers you, you don’t talk with her friends privately, with their “friends” on the Internet. Go to the shop and pay in cash.

Write letters instead of – mails, which are cumbersome to monitor. A word of reason from an unexpected source that was “NSA affair”, or the “political dispute over the surveillance by secret services”, as he put it in the poll, plays an important role in their vote according to last “ARD Germany trend” for only 17% of Germans. We concede the electorate superior reason just once and completely against our habit and applaud. Finally, Durrenmatt “physicist” in the asylum had to walk to not to despair at their presence. There, we would rather go with the flow. If we for no longer need to hear by Pofalla and co., that the NSA while adheres when spying on Germany’s all laws, in future but no longer even with us Spy can, and will, looking away is always legitimate.