In many companies the purchase of computer science equipment is realised thinking about an equipment multipurpose that sometimes already comes short from benefits when they are new. Types of network topologies and equipment with Windows XP and 256 MB of ram are habitual in many companies. This, in my opinion, is an error. The companies must look for computer science equipment to improve the productivity. One is not to sobredetermine the proportions the equipment, investing in questions that are not going to use like powerful graphical cards or hard disks of great capacity, but is certain that in many cases we move in the limit of the usabilidad in the election of equipment (Types of network topologies) with processors and limited memories. This election marks the way to work of the users with the computer science equipment. A slow equipment, that takes in simply abrir applications or that it takes more than would be recommendable in starting propitious that the users do not come predisposed to arrive at their job and to begin to work, but already have the routine, as the computer is slow in starting, in initiating it and going to by coffee, in the best one of the cases. In addition throughout the work day many parones unnecessary take place, pauses at productive moments, while a program is abre, or to work with several programs simultaneously becomes impossible mission.
If we already have experience in the purchase of equipment we do not fall in the temptation to choose more cheap and short of benefits. If we consider that the life utility of an equipment is of about 5 years, and that if we used Windows, the normal thing is that during the life of this two equipment they leave one or Service Pack for our operating system, that in the end finishes decreasing the benefits of the equipment, we will have to look for a balance between which we needed now, and what we will need within five years. We always can extend memory, but it is that throughout the years it give account you that a pair of years after the purchase of the equipment, the memory is more expensive, generally, or no longer it is the memory that is placed in the most modern equipment and a module of 1 GB leaves to you to price of gold, consequently many companies think much extension subjects. For that reason we must measure the benefits of the computer science equipment very well that we acquired for our companies, considering the requirements of the operating system that use, to have our computer science equipment (Topology of network) in optimal benefits during every year of life that has the tool that we have bought. Original author and source of the article