Tag Archives: continue

David Eicher

Although still classic forms of advertising such as classical PR (92.3 percent), online PR (81.6 percent), print advertising (81.1 percent) and online advertising (79.4 percent) are in their communications primarily used, but Social-media measures substantially prevail: when compared to 2007 (16 percent) use could quadruple almost to 56.7 percent. The enormous potential is evident here. Two years ago, many advertisers spared the use since it the diversity of Mo? options and their usage as marketing instruments still didn’t know. Today very different from last but not least looks like due to the numerous reports in the media”, David Eicher, business? ftsfu? hrer the webguerillas. Word-of-mouth marketing is needed as never in addition to social media activity? ten za? selects word-of-mouth marketing to the most widely used alternative forms of advertising: the usage was more than doubled in the last four years and is now at 36.9 percent (2005: 14.5%; 2007: 27.6 percent).

Viral concepts are fu? r companies due to the enormous distribution potential very attractive. The use of recorded strong growth since 2003: then 15 percent of the marketing took advantage of this form of advertising, four years spa? ter (2007) 30 percent and now the value is 39.1 Percent. Another winner is keyword advertising: 2005 was the use of only 14.5 percent and reached two years spa? ter already 36 percent. Today, 54.1 percent put the respondents on this communication module. Guerrilla marketing is recovering after a break-in (2007: 25.5 per cent; 2005: 33.1 per cent) and is now at 30.9 percent. Some classical disciplines are still ru? ckla? often: direct marketing is currently used by 54.5 percent, in 2007, there were 66.3 percent. Almost 30 per cent two years ago put on telemarketing, today it is 24 percent. In contrast to broadcast advertising could put: tuned in 2007 just under 27 percent of radio advertising, there are now just under 36 percent.