Monthly Archives: November 2012

The Last

What requires the hair? The ideal is not to wash it more of twice per week not drying out it much unless we are with a fat problem in the root that is very important. At least once per week it is necessary to apply to a mask and the rest, to apply after the champ a balsam for the dry ends. There is melenas that in spite of being of very whole layers, owns volume by themselves, these are ideal to give a new air them, waving it slightly, with rollers (the electrical ones, in the heat of the moment, are easy to put) it gives a very glamuroso effect. Also we can make smaller normal loops with rizadoras tweezers, in the heat of the moment. We will find them of different sizes. They are ideal! What options we have to give to another one look to the hair? For this type of melenas, the cut is fundamental, due to the length, the hair weighs, giving a rigidity sensation that not always favors. The hair does not have much body, is advisable to choose you cut that they contribute a little dynamism, heaving it and texturizando the ends.

Flequillo short, very defined, if it favors to I make oval of face, will give a radical turn to our image without sacrificing nor a centimeter of hair. Some touch of color also will help to heighten or to smooth our factions. Other options, very fashionable, are the use of complements, diadems, coleteros and brackets. Coletas is breaking in footbridge, mainly very low and with great flequillos. Really, a long hair does not have because to be boring, with mimo and a little imagination we will be able to shine ours melena heals, brilliant and to the last one. We do not forget that the majority of the women nowadays, pays to take long extensions and have you them free and natural. Original author and source of the article.


The existence of the Etipia, a country which Lel did not know, structuralized in the seupensamento belongs the order of the representation, and the Areal of the Baroness sends a' ' coisa' ' of concrete existence. We can infer, that to leave we datemos a construction of the image of the territory of the Areal as a place black deidentidade, a similar space (symbolic physicist and) inhabited essentially porafricanos and afro-descendants to the Etipia, stranger, but marcantepor its a black country and that it resisted the Italian domain. But, alert Bergson that all this construction of conhecimento of the sense-common one, and directs its workmanship for a reflection of aprofundamentomaior, always in the attempt to surpass the dualism. As already he was anteriormenteobservado, the author will use the elements of biology, for possible explicaesdo functioning of cerebral and its movement, the perception, the souvenir, amatria (joint of images) and the 5 image, to obtain to base the suaexplicao on memory. Initially then we will sketch these slight knowledge that noslevam until what Bergson understands for memory. In the I chapter ' ' Of the election of the images for arepresentao.

The paper of corpo' ' , Bergson considers to the reader undress-silks materialistic and espiritualistas conceptions, placing ahead of imagensno its more vacant direction. The author then covers the movements that crebrofaz when receiving the images ' ' these images act and react one on asoutras' ' (BERGSON, 1990, p.9). Ocorpo (that it is substance and image, einterior exterior) receives and acts as mediating of these images, as if everything was to queestar related it, it is the translator of the image. ' ' Everything is transferred as if, in this set of images quechamo of universe, nothing if could produce of really new not being porintermdio of certain particular images, whose model me is supplied for meucorpo' '. ' ' My body is therefore, in the set of the material world, an image that acts as the other images, receiving and returning movement, with an only difference, perhaps, of that my body seems to choose, in certamedida, in way to return what recebe.' ' (BERGSON, 1990, p.10) For the bergsoniano thought, the exterior objects aocorpo provoke stimulatons in the nervous center that is palco of movimentosmoleculares- these molecular movements depends on the nature and the position doobjeto.