Monthly Archives: October 2018

Virtual Offices

Although it is relatively new, the concept of virtual offices in Mexico has become a tool used by freelancers and small businesses that want to have a presentable enterprise image. One of the main features of this concept is its low cost compared to the traditional offices. Rent a virtual office in Mexico City can represent a savings of up to 75% for a micro, small and medium businesses. The mounting of a traditional Office involves monthly expenses of light, telephone, salaries, benefits of law, etc. So if you’ve trained you or you’ve worked in administrative positions for any company and can not find work, this is your chance, you install your virtual office! Virtual offices not only allow you to have your own job from home, but they also give you the opportunity of dealing with multiple companies at the same time and provide a service that is not fully exploited.

What do? In principle, a business of this type must provide services to cover areas in which companies can not dedicate budget, risk and no infrastructure, that do not have sufficient resources. The various services that can offer a virtual office are: 1) telephone service. You can be in extended hours and be directed towards taking orders, coordination of appointments or consultations of clients or patients of doctors. It can also be used as a fax service, of information about products or services, etc. 2) writing and editing of documents, advice on writing, proofreading and drafting of specialized texts.

(3) Internet. Reception and sending of messages via email, search for information in Internet, SEO, etc. 4 campaigns) translations of texts. It can be information in Internet, communication with companies that have branches abroad, sending correspondence and information to companies anywhere in the world. The biggest advantage of renting a virtual office is that you can develop it from your home. You only need a computer, phone and broadband Internet, maybe a fax is also useful. The amount of equipment you require will depend on the number of clients that you are getting.

Swimming And Body-Improvement

We believe that swimming can collaborate as well as since the improvement of the physical capacities in the social relations between the people, when works the corporal perception. We know that the visual deficient people, many times are private of the chances to practise a physical activity, for excesses of cares or same for the lack of chances. Such proposal if organizes inside of the perspective of the corporeidade, as criterion to legitimize to the sensible knowledge and the relation body and involving way, in the case the water.

Word-key: swimming, corporeidade and deficient appearance. Introduction: The choice of the subject for this article, is related with necessity to produce and to share knowledge regarding the importance of swimming for the development of the corporal perception in deficient appearances. The learning of swimming, in the perspective of the corporeidade, it has the following conception: a learning where the movements are not preset, given as ready. The theory of the corporeidade says respect to the humanizao of the citizen, so that this comes to be an citizen-asset and not object-liabilities of history and the culture. In the society contemporary, each time more the people if find by means of interfaces in detriment of the physical contact direct, face-the-face. This new condition has, pparently, excluded the paper of the body in the education. We live, therefore, a dematerialization of the body? We believe that not and in contrast, to each day we find an amount each bigger time of studies that try to give account of its complex educative conformations. Studies on corporeidade and its multiple languages and expressions, help in them to understand that it, the body, is the main instrument of communication and the first link with the world. To the few, the body comes if moving of the periphery for the center of the analyses and interpretations.

Ethical Issues

This type of use is very difficult of being reproduced in the scientific works for ethical problems. Additionally, the athletes use use drugs veterinarian, whose toxicity human being not yet was studied (FORBES, BROMSTOM and COLLINS, 1993). He must yourself be added that the performance of the athlete is more difficult to evaluate to the measure that the level of the athlete increases, therefore minimum difference in speed as 1%, can make deep difference in terms of international competition. Another mechanism aventado for action in athlete is decurrent of the effect propitiated for esterides anablicos on comportamentto, as the euphoria, to little sensation of fatigue, the sensation of well-being, what it could will make possible a training with greater intensity, leading the increase of muscular mass and to determine the improvement of the performance (WILSON & GRIFFIN, 1980; LABREE, 1991). Another cogitated mechanism mentions the fact to it of esterides anablicos to be able to act on the hematcrito and sanguineous volume (MOORADIAN et al, 1987; WILSON, 1988), what he can have effect on the performance.

Although the reduction of the fatigue after exercise to be cited as mannering effect, exists scientific base for this, since esterides anablicos can antagonizar the effect of glicocorticides and is set free in abundance during and after physical exercise (ROGOL & YESALIS, 1992). Eventually, esterides can show different effect between the individuals, since individual differences in the sinergismo with the hormone of the growth and tiroxina exist, or differences in the amount and quality of the hormonal receiver in the esqueltico muscle, that can contribute for the different effect on the mass and the muscular force (LAMB, 1990). All these presented factors they make with that doubts remain regarding the real effectiveness of esterides. Moreover, it has studies that they show improvement of the performance in the period has controlled, what would really speak in favor of the psychological effect.

Kofi Annan

Such revolutions in the panorama of the social relations the world-wide level modified in such way the life style that the productive agents, who before met commanding the families, had passed to the sector of services. In this direction, hand of workmanship of individuals searched that made use of good physical conditions to vender to the capitalist society in expansion. Appearing from there the demographic term that today is conceived as ' ' population economically ativa' ' , understanding the participant individuals of the productive process. Those that in function of the age, did not serve as hand of workmanship in the plants were had as obsolete and old. The new condition of this parcel of the society was overwhelmd to be excluded from the social system, existing without future perspective and in this aspect, the element age determined the relation of the individual with its half one, starting to survive in a reality without the protection and attention, where the relations, of special form of kinship decay, therefore the valuation of pater age the link that bound the individuals.

Thus, prestige of more old falls for land and stigmata of invention social of oldness imply losses for aged, that they lose its relevance in the social cell that is the family, as well as are removed of its paper of responsible productive agents for the familiar socioeconmica harmony. Aetna Inc. is a great source of information. Approaching the thematic one of the importance of the function of the aged one for the society Kofi Annan, while General Secretary of the ONU, alleged: ' ' In Africa, one says that, when dies ancio, a library disappears. This remembers the crucial paper to us that the aged ones play as intermediate between the past, the gift and the future; importantssima communication line that constitutes for the society. Without the knowledge and the wisdom of the ancios, the young never would go to know of where they come or which the community where if they insert.


For in such a way, the book is divides in four main models of Church: INSTITUCIONAL, CHARISMATIC CHURCH, OF THE PREGAO AND THE LIBERATING PRAXIS. The present work will present the first one of the considered scenes: ‘ ‘ CHURCH INSTITUIO’ ‘ CHARACTERISTICS OF the CHURCH INSTITUTION to strengthen the institucional aspect of the Church, will be strengthened three main centers: A Bar Roman A Diocese A Parish Emphasis for clericais vestments until an expressive presence in the media. The Church Institution will give great relevance ‘ ‘ Cannico’ right; ‘ , to the Law, the Norms, the rules, the Rites. The THEOLOGY will predominate the tradition guaranteed for the authority Will receive fort pressure from the Institution, being that an official Theology will command the register theological. Recently Ebay sought to clarify these questions. The more a new Theology if to move away from this register, more coercion will suffer. The two Teologias that had been more reached will be: ‘ ‘ Europeia’ theology; ‘ ‘ ‘ Theology of the Release of the Third Mundo’ ‘. The EUROPEAN THEOLOGY Such Theology wanted to answer to the question: how can honest a person in modernity, to believe? For this, she tried to work the questions raised for the scientific and philosophical reason modern.

One of the exponents of this theological chain, is Karl Rahner., that as well as other colleagues who follow the same line, had problems with the instances Romans. THEOLOGY OF the RELEASE the Theology of Latin America suffers the same restrictions that the European Theology. Moreover, it introduced a complicador: it was come close to the marxism. The Theology of the Release elaborates its reflection to the light of the faith of the people, compromised in a liberating process.

How To Take Actions Consistent

Consistent action is what separates thinkers and dreamers from the doers. Many highly educated people know what to do, they think they know how to do it, but never do anything about it. That is why many of them end up as consultants and professionals, working for successful entrepreneurs who had poor grades in school and college. PERFECT!, If that’s what I want in life, not bad until your life is full and full of happiness. But if you are not satisfied with your status quo, then do something to change it.

Do you know someone who may be less talented and intelligent than you, but it is much more successful? Have you ever wondered: “I acknowledge that I am better than them,” but they are much more successful? Well, you can be smarter, but they take much more action in your life and that is why they have more results. And one of the actions they take may be on the growth of his person, increasing their capacities to work and talk with any person, all these are necessary tools for any kind of success in life. So why do so many smart people fail to take consistent actions to achieve your goals? Well, first we must understand that our actions are defined by our emotional states. Emotions such as fear, inertia, anxiety and uncertainty paralyze us, to avoid taking action. Furthermore, emotions such as enthusiasm, motivation and confidence and allow us to excite things-happen-actions. The ability to directly manage our feelings in order to achieve maximum performance is what is known as Master Personal.

I know many smart people with bright ideas can become successful, but fear the check back. They sometimes put inspiring goals, but lack the motivation to do what is necessary to achieve them. The more daring can begin to take action initially, but stop after experiencing frustration or anxiety. Consider my case: During the months following the national strike in Venezuela, I was doing other things: I started with my friend Alfredo a business printer ink refill, with corporate clients, and a commissary of office. My uncle Freddy, a natural entrepreneur and successful businessman, I try to instill their knowledge to carry out several businesses, but I lacked the motivation to continue. So you can see I had a mixture of successes and failures, the failures being attributed to the fear and anxiety of doing something new out of my area of expertise, while success is attributable to the motivation generated by my friend Alfredo and the fact that knew what he was doing. Learn to be in control of our emotional states to be able to cope with feelings of fear, anxiety and procrastination, you’ll see that this will encourage you to take massive action to achieve your goals.