Contingencial boarding in projects, and determinative factors of success: The study of case of a project & ldquo; Feed & ndash; Front End Engineering Design& rdquo; SUMMARY In not routine enterprises, the reach of the objectives of a project how much the stated period, cost, quality, and attendance the diverse expectations of steakholders, is the main great concern of the company. The present study & approaches the FEED; ldquo; Front End Engineering Design& rdquo; as an incorporated additional phase to the traditional management of projects, in the search of the success of an enterprise. Law 8,666/93 will be analyzed the case of act of contract made for in agreement the PETROBRA’S company, for the revision of a project of installation of three towers of cooling in one of its petrochemical complexes in the city of So Paulo, executed in a period former-before the o launching of the licitatrio process to the suppliers. It is treated to demonstrate as the one-step adoption more, in the initial periods of training of projects of raised technology and complexity, stage that is called of FEED & ldquo; Front End Engineering Design& rdquo; , it rees-echo directly on the costs, time, and target technician of an enterprise. The theoretical picture was developed from the literature of success in projects, under a contingencial boarding. In the conclusions we point that the application of the FEED contributes in positive way for the success of projects of raised technology and complexity..