Guairac College

In this direction, professionals of the education, which is prepared to work with children and adolescents in the condition of pupils, do not escape to the responsibility and commitment in the viabilizao of the rights of these citizens, as much in the condition of professionals as in the one of citizen. This work is about a research of qualitative nature and had as objective to know the amplitude of the knowledge that academics of the last year of the Courses of Licenciatura and Pedagogia, of the Guairac College has on the ECA, with the purpose to reflect on the affirmation of the rights for the way of the paper/commitment of these professional futures. It was verified that the Courses of Licenciatura do not offer discipline specifically that they work, on the rights of children and adolescents, therefore, the direction searched, also, to provide to a space of reflection and/or quarrel of form that, the professional futures have domain of this Statute, since they will go to act directly, with children and adolescents in the day the day. In this direction, we still consider that, in the professional formation a commitment must be existed to form conscientious citizens of its rights, if constituting it, in a canal that, when having as object the formal education must propitiate its pupils, the access to the rights, as well as, the exercise of the same ones. Intel understood the implications. This perpassa the idea of conscientious professionals of the commitment of the school and the consequent professional commitment, in the formation of a society more solidary joust and. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Rights of the Children and Adolescents; Course of Licenciatura and Pedagogia; Education. ABSTRACT Since the enactment of Statute will be Children and Adolescents (ECA), children and adolescents eats you be recognized persons in special condition of development, not objects of guardianship of the state, but subjects of rights, recipients of full protection and absolute priority, which involve the responsibility of government, society, community and family with full care of to their rights. .