Latin America Nations

An example of this, is that it is essential for this system more capable persons to exercise teaching. To achieve this are offered salaries similar to most profitable Careers to which these they could choose, such as medicine and law. In a country with middle-income as Chile, the establishments financed entirely with public resources have a high proportion of its budget to pay the salaries of the teaching faculty. Paying salaries that are competitive with those received by persons to exercise some of the most profitable Careers is something that is out of scope, it is not possible to achieve it. A second important aspect of school instruction in Finland is the availability by schools of professors exclusively dedicated to the strengthening of the learning of students who have obtained low academic performance. In this regard, in many countries the establishments are already budgetary resources restricted by the hiring of teachers dedicated to the instruction of the established curriculum. It is very difficult to have the financial capacity to strengthen the teaching of young people who have not learnt in a satisfactory manner. With all these differences, if finally students from countries in developing are decades of their peers in Finland in terms of results, what they can expect children and young people of the poor in Africa or Latin America Nations? The gap is of such magnitude that they have no chance of obtaining a similar schooling in many generations more.

The issue lies in that many countries invest a lot of money and energy in discussions for forty or fifty years to achieve the results obtained today Finland. The question is: what for? It is very likely that in the Middle century most is is doing something radically different to instruct students since the requirements will no longer be the same. So what can be done? The answer is not to lose the time, energy or money improving the schools according to the present standards, if not a big leap forward.