Scientists engaged in research on onomastics and toponymy of the German-Slavic branch. They worked together specialists from the same section Schiller University in Jena. In 1996 they were joined by scientists of the Institute dialectology. Result of the work were the articles and publications in various linguistic journals. Research papers on onomastics covered various factors that influenced the development of proper names, as a linguistic or social and dialectical character, especially their phonology, semantics and morphology, the impact on their formation of geographical features. Scientists were particularly interested in research on the syntax of personal names, as well as their use in various speech situations. Enormous contribution to onomastics made by the scientists of the now defunct West Germany. Monograph Zaybike – the most outstanding work in the field of onomastics.
Work is devoted to personal names, it presented: the terminology of proper names, historical factors, sociological and stylistic aspects of geography, as well as the importance and own names, their morphology, phonetics, and education. In result of all the above, it may be noted multifaceted anthroponomical and onomastic research. Next, consider what there is specificity in anthroponimics German. Naming Rights called anthroponym. Previously, proper names and anthroponomy including regarded as unrelated to each other words that the dictionary, based mainly on tradition vocabulary. And only in the second half of last century vocabulary of proper names have started to study as a separate system. Anthroponimics in the German language has a two-term system that is used first and last name.