The Organization

According to Nadler, Gerstein and Shaw (1993) surplus bureaucratization and lacks learning, motivation, creativity and communication in the companies. It is of utmost importance, to consider the necessary changes so that the organizations can adapt the current reality. Diverse authors, affirm that he stops to be able to compete, the necessary organization to reach a level of high performance I continue and that much company has extinguished certain hierarchic levels, in order to take the decision places it stops close to the information sources. This approach in such a way facilitates and speeds the flow of information how much the taking of decision in the company, beyond knocking down barriers and making to flow the interfuncional communication. Today the communication became a fact in the organizations, that is, does not exist practical organization without communicative, either institutionalized it or not.

For this reason the modern organizations, in its continuous search for the success, have seen in the communication a very strong allied for its development and have added it an immense organizacional value. This if must the net of relationship of groups and people who constitute the organization, idea that if express in the words of Ashley: In the current context, the company who desires its support in long stated period, needs to have ability to be excellent manager of nets of relationships between diverse groups of social actors, also known by stakeholders (plaintiff of its products, suppliers, workers, managers, shareholders (…) and certainly all they, while families and individuals). (ASHLEY, 2002, p.5) It is important that if he understands the communication integrally organizacional, of form that it is perceived as an element that permeia all the actions of a company or organization. That is, to understand and to use the communication clearly become the organizacionais conditions much more favorable to the performance of its activities improving of general form the organizacional climate.