In another situation, I passed, a good period working in house. Although to look for to inside keep a routine of ' ' schedule comercial' ' , I could perceive some things. More info: Elon Musk. For example, that I obtain to better concentrate per the morning, that is impossible to remain itself focado in complicated or important tasks for much time without if granting interruptions and that, basically, the quality of work and study very started to be bigger, not being directly related with the effective time of execution of the tasks. They are impossible things of if perceiving in the daily one of the work in office. At last, what I want to say with these examples? Something that, throughout the years, I come observing empirically and verifying in the reading of important authors. Something related to ' ' hypocrisy corporativa' ' , to our form to deal with the management the organizations, of people, who little evolved historically, being behind the technological advances. It seems that, in general, the organizations adopt a control philosophy, that considers the people as incapable to manage the proper responsibilities.
It is as if to manage people always meant to control vanities, to restrain abuses, to judge, at last, as if all adolescent irresponsible were disfarados of professionals. E, thus, the hierarchic superiors would be the tutors, those that know the skill certain to make the work and if to hold, fitting they to keep the Barbarians under control. Why the concern with how many photocopies employee the strap, if it hears music during the expedient or prefers silence, if it makes linkings of the office to decide personal problems, or same if he sails in sites of the Internet that are not related to the work? Why the insistence in acting as that compelling the people if to become responsible, as if they was not capable to assume responsibilities? It is not for assuming responsibilities that they had been contracted? Why to believe that the individual will remain focado 100% of the time, 8 hours per day (or more), 5 days per week, only in the tasks of the work? Why to believe that the people are machines, which we can establish one ' ' programming of produo' '? Which the relevance if an employee leaves its table to comment a film or event with a fellow worker? if makes a linking to decide a personal question? if is sailing in the Internet, in sites of entertainment to program the weekend, or is talking simultaneously with friends in the communication programs? That difference makes the form that it distributes the activities in the hours that pass in the office? It would not be more important to charge it for the result, for the quality of the carried through work? For the great majority of the organizations, it still lacks to start to deal with the proper hypocrisy.