THE ENTERPRISING PROCESS ' ' The Empreendedorismo is a quiet revolution, that will be for Century XXI, more than the industrial revolution was pair the Century XX' ' Jeffry Timmons 1990 the process to undertake must follow four basic steps: To identify and to evaluate the chance; To develop the plan business-oriented; To determine and to catch necessary resources; To manage the bred company. Step fits to entrepreneurs to follow each thus to get resulted, Dornelas (2005) says that the entrepreneurs are differentiated people, who possess singular motivation, that is gotten passionate by what they make, is not contented in being plus one in the multitude, want to be recognized and admired, referenciados and imitated, they want to leave a legacy. Many authors search to define the art to undertake, some with more romantismo more than, others, with a little hardness, but valley to remember that to undertake it is more than if to fit in a described profile, goes beyond following the instructions of its plan of business and that not to elaborate its executive summary, to undertake is necessary one feeling, a more refined feeling of the branch where it wants to act, therefore valley to stand out that a on net of relationships to its product and service makes all the difference, if must search alliances and partnerships. The EMPREENDEDORISMO IN BRAZIL Dornelas (2005) in the sample that the movement of the empreendedorismo in Brazil started to take form in the decade of 1990, when entities as Sebrae (Brazilian Service of Support to the Micron and Small Companies) and Softex (Brazilian Society for Exportation of Software) had been created. In Brazil it had little information and little I assist, valley to remember that before this, it was not practically said in empreendedorismo and creation of small companies. One of the main reasons was that the environments economic politician and of the country were not propitious, and the entrepreneur practically did not find information to assist it in the enterprising day. For even more analysis, hear from Dan Zwirn.