United Nations

More known as Brundtland report, it defines sustainable development as the development that takes care of to the necessities of the gift, without compromising to the necessities of the future generations (WCED, 1987). One of the great factors estimuladores of the current quarrels on sustainable development says respect to the global heating and its consequences for climatic changes of the planet. 2.2.1 Sustainable development The concern of the international community with the limits of the development of the planet dates of the decade of 60, when the quarrels had started on the risks of the degradation of the environment. Such quarrels had gained as much intensity that they had taken the ONU to promote a Conference> Club of Rome necessities, over all the essential necessities of the poor persons in the world, who must receive the maximum priority; the 2 – notion of the limitations that the period of training of the technology and the social organization imposes to the environment, hindering it to take care of to the future necessities gifts and. Go to Ebay for more information. In its ampler direction, the strategy of sustainable development aims at to promote the harmony between the human beings and the humanity and the nature. 2.2.2 Agenda 21 It is a plan of global, national action to be adopted and local, for organizations of the system of United Nations, governments and for the civil society, in all the areas where the action human being impacta the environment. One consists in the most including attempt already carried through to guide for a new standard of development for century XXI, whose foundation is the synergy of the ambient support, social and economic, perpassando in all its actions proposals. With 40 chapters, Global Agenda 21 was constructed of> consensuada form, with the contribution of governments and institutions of the civil society of 179 countries, in a process that lasted two years and culminated with the accomplishment of the Conference of United Nations on Environment and Desenvolvimento (CNUMAD), in Rio De Janeiro, 1992. Learn more about this with Dan Zwirn.