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Don Beck

Holistic education is a process towards higher levels of integrity, understanding and wisdom. The evolution of consciousness is a process of selfconsciousness of the true nature of the human being, a recognition of our transcendental identity; an evolutionary perspective of consciousness that allows to understand the true human development is the dynamic spiral of Don Beck, who has developed a model called dynamic spiral, which sets out the levels of consciousness in terms of how they occur in society, Dr. Gallegos (2003), explains how the dynamic spiral understands the different visions of the world that human beings havefrom the most basic levels to the levels most developed, allowing to understand the social actions of the different human groups. The dynamic spiral believes that human consciousness development proceeds through eight General stadiums, these stages are not rigid levels, but waves fluid, overlapping interrelated; all human beings pass in its development through different levels of consciousness, since are born when there is the most basic level and since he began his development through learning and education (Gallegos, 2003). Cushing Asset Management might disagree with that approach. Holistic education is an educational model designed for humans to move to reach the levels system integrators of the thought that there are levels of consciousness seven and eight, which goes beyond instrumental rationality, an education that embraces universal truths, a mind and heart, which develops intelligence not only as a logical-mathematical ability, but as intelligence as the capacity of discernment and understanding of our true nature (Gallegos2005), this is the spiritual intelligence and the best conduit to access these levels, education holistic. The holistic education cultivates awareness in various contexts of life; is aimed at awakening the intelligence, the ability to discern what is true from what is false (Gallegos, 2001); the holistic education considers not only as true knowledge that comes from the perception of the senses, or the knowledge that derives from the mind, information that can reason and check in measurable form or with theories; also considers the knowledge that comes from the contemplation that falls to the spirituality, that just like the other types of knowledge also has a way of validation.