Tag Archives: stories & anecdotes

Hotel Krone Assmannshausen Freiligrath Museum

Ferdinand Freiligrath (1810-1876) was one of the most popular German poets of his time in addition to Heinrich Heine and Georg Herwegh. In his political poetry, he represented the ideas of the revolution 48. in 1844 he lived a few days in the Hotel Krone Assmannshausen, a popular meeting place for students, writers and artists. Here he completed his collection of political poems a creed”, and travelled due to police persecution then exiled to Belgium, in the Switzerland and London. in 1894, the Freiligrath Museum was established to commemorate the stay at the Hotel Krone. Today, personal souvenirs are in the Museum room and in the hallways of the 5-star hotels to see manuscripts and documents flowed from the poet, or were addressed to him. But also many other famous guests from culture and politics are immortalised here. Get more background information with materials from Penguin Random House. Biography of Ferdinand Freiligrath: Freiligrath, Ferdinand (1810-1876), poet.

Born on 17 June 1810 as son of a teacher into Detmold, he completed a commercial apprenticeship after attending the gymnasium in Soest and worked until 1837 Kontorist in Amsterdam and barmen. He published first poems in weeklies and almanacs. in 1838, the collection appeared poems, poetry in the fashionable style of the exoticism, which earned him an honorary pension of the Prussian King on the recommendation of Alexander von Humboldt with extraordinary success. Freiligrath moved Unkel or Darmstadt as a freelance writer and was dealing with Rhenish writers such as Karl Immermann, Karl Simrock and Wolfgang Muller von Konigswinter. The 1844 collection released with time poems a creed”tagged Freiligrath turn to the radical democratic author. Censorship measures and political pressures forced him in 1844 to the emigration to Belgium, where he became acquainted with Karl Marx.

1846 appeared in the Switzerland of social-romantic poem cycle ca ira! “, in which he expressed, that the time for a revolution in Germany has come.” In the revolutionary year 1848, Freiligrath came back to Germany and became the editor of the new Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne. From this The famous, distributed flyers in high circulation revolution hymns date time. The warrant sought went to England in exile, accepted a position as a banker and acquired merit as a translator of works of Victor Hugos and Walt Whitmans in the following years. After his kadryov amnesty and return to Germany in 1868, he celebrated the founding of the Empire with patriotic poems. Freiligrath died on March 18, 1876 in Cannstatt near Stuttgart.

Commerce Department

The war economically important issue of billiards in the war year 1917 In the 4th year of the first world war, in 1917, recognized the Austrian high bureaucracy the military importance of the billiards, or more precisely his unavailability. Otherwise, it is explained that the Commerce Department in consultation with other Ministers in particular, consent of the powerful Ministry of war negotiated an own norm billiards, decided and immediately also published. The war drives his bureaucratic looking flowers, how clueless and without alternative the Ministeriales in the Empire and residence of Vienna in the autumn twilight of the old monarchy were already. Always played before looking after GE and forbidden to support the Kriegstuchtigkeit and in the sense of the military economy, intervening in all areas of life, with the full force of the general abstract and individually specific standards. So, about the legal regulation of beer substitutes was adopted this year. Here were right historically crucial basics adopted, which is still almost 100 years of great interest.

This development will now be published in the series of LawLeaks. Billiards and snooker gangs had gotten this way also in the special focus of the regulatory machinery regulation on disclosure for billiards and billiard gangs. A regulation concerning duty of disclosure for billiards and billiard gangs was on May 8, 1917 in the Reich Law Gazette published “. Contents of this regulation was, inter alia, that all persons and companies, in their custody with rubber bands not mounted reasoned billiards, is billiards gangs in whole pieces or parts, also waste of billiards gangs are”, would be to report it to the political authorities. For this purpose was a very short period until May 25, 1917, by 10 May 1917 at which time was to show.

You wanted to completely capture the strategic stocks of the billiards so within 14 days of scarce. In particular the precise had brief periods, most accurate information on billiards with rubber bands Number of billiards; Communication, whether bowling billiards with holes in the playing surface, called Karambolbillards or about to turn Billiards is, to be specified. When not mounted billiards gangs in whole pieces or parts and waste of billiards gangs, especially the weight was to specify. In addition, the name of the owner had to be notified if one who had billiards billiards gangs or waste in custody, was not even the owner. You left nothing so completely randomly not regulated. When not reporting high penalties and even arrest if this notification was not followed, or incomplete or untrue entries, threatened even fines up to 5000 crowns or imprisonment, i.e. arrest up to 6 months. Obviously everything had collected in a wartime economy, such a recording subsequently the messages also served any purpose. However nothing is to learn about the purpose of the Act. Yes, it’s not totally ruled out, that is the Invention and implementation of this law some ministerial and after overall officials spared the early convening of the front service.