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Fill Inkjet Cartridges Independently

More and more people buying jet printer preference rather than a laser. This is understandable because the inkjet printer has several advantages over its competitor. First and foremost is the price. Price for an inkjet printer order of magnitude below the laser. The second print quality. In inkjet print quality is better, and have the ability to print in color.

In short order that would give preference to an inkjet printer benefits abound. The buyer, preferring to ink-jet printer, sooner or later begin to regret their choice. Minus the first inkjet printer is that at long a simple printer ink cartridge is dry. And this leads to the main disappointment of buying a new cartridge. Price from him such that involuntarily think, it cost me to buy office equipment repair as a new printer. But fortunately for you there is cost-effective solution to this problem.

It solution refill cartridge. Can do it with the help of experts, and with his hands. The following describes the sequence of actions for filling the cartridge. First, remove the cartridge from the printer. Next, remove the plastic cover the surface of the cartridge, so get to the filling of holes. Pierce the holes and insert the toothpicks for example. By the color of each of the toothpicks you can determine what to pour ink. Then take syringe, you can buy at a pharmacy or to take out medical kits. Fill the syringe with 15 ml of black ink and 5 ml of color ink. Insert the needle into the holes of the cartridge (Note: seasoning the cartridge by inserting a needle puncture the inner sponge distance from 0.3 to 0.6sm. upon further insertion of the needle may damage the cartridge) fill the place the correct color ink. If the ink will flow out, pull your back a little bit of ink cartridge that would not have been packed. Wash the syringe water, and dry, before the fact as to fill it with ink of another color. Thus, complete all the required capacity color ink. Secure plastic wrap in place. If the shell is damaged, you can Scotch tape to use, or tape. Now you can install the cartridge in the printer. Make a test printout. Thus it can be done cartridge refill hp, canon, samsung, xerox.

Xerox Ink

Vtoraya couple – Samsung and Xerox have significant Distinctions in the design of ink cartridges from Cartridge our first pair – Canon and HP. The device of these cartridges is strongly simplified: there is no waste toner container (return line), and the toner is not dialed in pomoschi magnetic properties, and the filing is made with a rubber roller on which the toner sticks and steel blade, kotoroe regulates podachu tonera. In sovremennyh cartridges Samsung and Xerox owners torgovyh marok nakonets a set emkost return flow, thus improving quality of printing. Zalog kachestvennoy filling these cartridges doskonalnoy prochistke each time the gas station that is not a vypolnyaetsya lyuboy Organizations engaged in refilling cartridges, refill these cartridges doma not work correctly. All owners of printers, the refueling at home data cartridges ogranichivayutsya zasypkoy novoy portsii tonera, but it does not help. Often cartridges posle takoy refueling pod yield toner zapolnennymi eyeballs with two problems: slaborazlichimaya, light print and printing, with longitudinal stripes. Komplektuyuschie and toner cartridges for these more expensive. There is odna slozhnost when filling these cartridges.

In the past few years for these ink cartridges and printers to install chips kotorye kontroliruyut kolichestvo pages printed, and each time you fill for them to change or rewrite neobhodima. IT'S all increases stoimost odnoy raspechatannoy page neskolko time and this increases the likelihood plohogo print quality for poor fuel cartridge. In addition to the above may be added that every new model has a cartridge svoyu proshivku, and it takes time to obladateli brendov producing compatible ink cartridges and chips could deshifrovat kodirovku original chip and run proizvodstvo neoriginalnyh chips.

Fire Protection Protection

Many believe that metal can not ignite. Steel and iron can not burn, it's true, but the bearing metal as a result of prolonged exposure to a temperature of 500 C soon lose their strength, and possible collapse of buildings and loss of life. To prevent a possible tragedy holds fire protection of metal in order to ensure the safety of iron or steel in terms of combustion from 30 minutes to 2 hours, which with more than enough to lift people out of a burning building and extinguish the fire. Fire protection of metal represents a drawing of him with a special compound which, when used correctly appearance actually does not differ from paints. The function of these compositions – to ensure insulation bearing structures, or simply withdraw from them warm. For insulation of metal is best suited thick-retardants incombustible composition (plaster, plastering, etc.), in addition apply sheet materials, prefabricated elements, masonry. These actions will help to increase the fire resistance of iron structures at 120-180 min.

The deposition of thin thermally refractory mixes – also the type of fire protection of metal (which swells when heated). From the usual paint compositions of this type are not easy to distinguish. This substance during combustion is expanded to forty times, due to release in the goreniyanetoksichnyh process gases forming loose coke-and foam structure. Thermal conductivity of the charred layer of foam, which consists mainly of carbon, low. Fire protection of metal – not a simple process. At first steel covered with corrosion protection agents, in choosing which attention should be paid to the degree of adhesion (adhesion to the metal), because the compositions of this type are not very fire resistant, so fire-resistant layer can simply crumble in the ignition without saving metalwork. The best choice of corrosion-resistant materials will be specifically designed for "fire-retardant paint. Flame retardant applied to the layers (to 10). At the same time to avoid cracking of the refractory coating layers must be thin.