Tag Archives: insurance & pension

Stiftung Warentest

Financial test is not the only source for reliable testing financial survey loses monopoly Lange was financial test, the consumer magazine, Stiftung Warentest, as a source for dental insurance reliable tests, but also other financial products. Dana Gibber understands that this is vital information. This picture got a blemish but since the middle of this year, when a test result suffered a great deal of criticism. The criticism mainly referring to the assessment criteria used. Also saw smaller institutions on the throne of the Stiftung Warentest, which can boast a stronger focus on the insurance industry. Gain insight and clarity with Dana Gibber . WaizmannTabelle tests continuously one of these dental insurance is the WaizmannTabelle tests.

They assessed only dental insurance and can await you with high expertise in this area. For those interested, a dental insurance search test, the WaizmannTabelle is always a starting point, because it is regularly revised and is therefore always up to date. Also, the order of precedence of rates follows a different logic or a different rating scale. The dental insurance rates based on their average percentage reimbursement are listed here. Advertising were crucial for this kind of comparison such as “100% refund of primary care”, who believe high performance, but just double the costs of health insurance. Top 3: Wurttemberg – private plus Bavarian – VIP dental prestige CSS – premium tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow morning is to make it more transparent for consumers to independent analysts who have committed it to the target financial and insurance markets. The results of the dental insurance test and other investigations used long ago major magazines and other media.

37 Insurance companies over 500 rates were measured in this test. The top providers with the highest rating of 5 stars are: Allianz, Arag, BBKK, Concordia, CSS, the Bavarian, Gothaer, inter, R + V, Union. DISQ has a different approach to the German Institute for service quality, short DISQ. Here one has for a Dental insurance test on behalf of n-tv evaluated over 600 service contacts in the form of E-Mails and telephone calls to assess the quality of advice of tested companies so. Among the best sellers in this area: Barmenia, ERGO direct, Envivas, Signal Iduna and HanseMerkur. The test results and more dental insurance there are tests on Martin Schneider

Detlef Strelow

Thus, all politicians are scammers. And intermediaries, the customers These alleged pension expectations high and beautiful account, making accomplices. It can be said: A State pension provision, as well as by politicians and inferior agents faked, nobody will get more. Germany is long been bankrupt and can never afford it! If you still want to know what they can expect that they will need an Advisor, but only a calculator. Press the 0 and the number that appears in the display is more honest than any statement that a politician and a mediator can work out.

Since it has bought two new dresses the private pension insurance: Rurup and Riester! Apart from the fact that it has set a monument two politicians about their lives beyond the content is just as lazy as the models without dress. Who wants to realize a loss with his savings money must achieve at least a 10% return, after deduction of 3% inflation and 30% taxes to achieve increase of 4%. If the reputation of the decoys, one never since followed unprecedented public support, should additionally worrying, why here something supported what can never earn a return. If the deals are so good, the question why the brothers Albrecht, Mr. Deichmann or the family Quant, but a few to call, do not invest in such a super plant without risk. Can you not expect perhaps? Who realistically approaches his goal planning, will be frightened about what usage is required to achieve these goals. A larger capacity is needed to achieve his desired supply capital ever after deducting inflation and taxes. One thing is rock solid: nobody is interested to do unless you own today vocational active people financially independent! If you want a financial independence then choose the right (free) consultants and pay your Bill itself.” Contact: finance Santiago & partner Detlef Strelow of Kopenicker RT 167 12437 Berlin FON 030 / 53014796

Receivables Management

Factoring offers a variety of advantages for the customers. 5. short-term sales financing of the so-called factor buys the factoring customer’s claim. Factoring is used for the short-term financing of the sales. Often, the subsidiary of a bank occurs as a factor. So to the factoring, a copy of the invoice is based on. Video: Advantages and process of factoring in the 6th company credit checks of the customer we undertake for you the customer management.

Thus, you delete a costly work area in your company. Thus aims to further financial and entrepreneurial freedom, which you need for your core business. 7. the acquisition of complete accounts receivable by the factoring service providers include the management of accounts receivable and receivables, the Dunning and collection nature including legal prosecution, permanent credit control of accounts receivable, account statement messages at each transaction and the preparation of monthly journals for use tax. Thus, necessary additional financial and entrepreneurial freedom are created, which can be used for the core business and A customer.

With a few reservations, the accounting is updated on the basis of the monthly journals. 8 own resources be relieved and can be used otherwise the own resources of the factoring clients are relieved and can be used differently. Outsourcing, for example, in the way of factoring Receivables Management will be achieved through which a significant increase in efficiency. This is done for example in many dental practices. The own resources are therefore conserved and are fully available for fee effective activities. 9 improving and increasing of liquidity are often used limits the growth of a company, particularly due to the lack of liquidity. The SME finance group’s factoring options help you with the purchase of goods and raw materials, as well as on the sale of your products and services, to increase the liquidity of the company. Conclusion: you increase your liquidity by factoring, sustainably increase the growth of your company with more liquidity.

Occupational Pensions – The Chief Must Pay

Occupational pensions: A judgment makes it clear: the surrender values be too low depending on the occupational pension, shall be liable to the employer. Claims billions of dollars in threatened the company. For occupational retirement provision will be nothing so as usual. This is ensured by a judgment to the Landesarbeitsgericht Munchen. In case of negotiated, it went to the employee of a company in the auto industry. When they quit her job after three years, she experienced the same disenchantment as many workers.

Despite the 6230 euros which a pension fund had paid her during this time, your insurance account had only a credits from 639 euro. The lush Finder’s fee and other administrative costs, that the life insurer conceded were to blame for this. The Chief expressed his sympathy but, he didn’t feel responsible for the meager yield itself however. So just an employer may no longer make it. According to the judge companies had money in a direct insurance, Provident Fund, pension fund for their employees via salary conversion or cash deposit, to be classified as disinterested Trustees.

The pension commitment must always correspond to the paid post only costs for death and disability protection shall be deducted (4 SA 1152/06). The consequences are dramatic, because companies and provident offer for the deferred compensation often rates, which in the first years, most of the contributions to cover administrative and sales costs fliess, the surrender values are so minimal. In the jargon, this is called Zillmerising. “Chief of staff would be well advised not to offer such contracts now and for existing on their balance sheets to make provisions”, the Munich lawyer Johannes Fiala warns. Employees can claim for at least three years claims against ex – employer, depending on the constellation of the case even up to 30 years. In the face of only three million direct insurance and the fact that workers on average every five years change their job, claims can in Billions of dollars on the economy come to. While companies and insurers should have been warned. In 2005 the Stuttgart Labor Court decided that responsible employers for low return values (19 CA 3152/04). In the former case the staff had felt but not sufficiently advised. Reverse: Advises the Chief comprehensively, to say anything against the Zillmerising is. A mistake, as now demonstrated: Such contracts are void even if informed the employees about the costs and their impact on the return value. The judge as a violation of the contract is cancelled by the rate even a distribution of the costs to up to 10 years”. As lawyer Thomas Keppel from the law firm Dr. Fiala, who represented the applicant before the Labour Court of the country. Even with the introduction of salary increases in the post-employment benefits such as cafeteria models for executives, companies are depending on the agreement in the liability. The now convicted employer has at least one consolation. He can, so Fiala, of the Insurance intermediaries the amount of damages to reclaim for at least three years.


Taxation of interest and other investment income the personal tax rate of each individual taxpayer applies at the moment. The changes from 2009. Then, a withholding tax is introduced for all capital income (interest, capital gains) of uniform 25 percent. Subject to the new interest tax all investment income above the savers tax credit of 801 EUR / 1602 EUR (single/married). The Bank will withhold the money and send it to the tax authorities. Even if the flat tax or interest only in 2009 caution is already available before financial investments, promoting sales of financial products with tax advantages. “Under the slogan buy before the tax hits!” provider of funds and stocks want to score points.

The reasoning: Who now buys such funds or other securities such as federal or State bonds and sold before 2009, must don’t pay taxes under current law. Also building societies swear by concrete gold”in the form of the home: it is animated, complete savings, because they the 2 Avoid withholding tax. So what to do? Decide for or against an investment alone for tax reasons. Who can not sleep with shares and funds should not therefore which babble on leave, because tax benefits are lost as of 2009. The good advice: Check your investment strategy and optimize them, taking into account the taxation. What makes the new flat rate tax for individuals? It is beneficial for all those whose personal top tax rate is higher than 25 percent: because the withholding tax is 25 percent, you get to benefit from a tax cut.

The top tax rate of 42 percent, for example, attacks from a taxable income of 52152 euros / 104 304 euro (single/married). Who deserves so much, paying taxes on capital gains from 2009 still only 25 percent. Who (single/married) earned less than EUR 15 000 and 30 000 euro, must pay accordingly less than 25 percent taxes on his interest. Very important in this context: first, the Treasury takes 25 percent. What He has conceded too much must you get back per tax return, otherwise the money is lost. By the way: advertising costs related to interest income (such as custody fees) may no longer be discontinued from 2009. And: the flat tax on all profits from the sale of securities are subject to, completely indifferent, how long they are in the depot.

The Road To The Assets Is Now Paved For Everyone!

“The way to the money” is the title of the publication by Jorg Becker, which is more seminar, regarded as a conventional book. It accompanies the reader that can be also a total layman step by step into the new subject of “making money”! Rarely an author wrapped alike so skillfully interested parties beginning around the finger. With the simple question: Can you handle halfway with a pencil, computer, ruler and calculator? Then you have all the requirements to earn themselves a fortune”will they sent curled on the experimental path of CFD trading, which already soon to do so empowers skillfully with the very complex system to deal. Complex system, implemented almost already “too easily”. Written like a thriller, and for every layman immediately comprehensible and easy to understand! It is a wonder why many other Exchange books for lay people are not as easy to understand. Keyword CFD trading”: this innovative method is only feasible since May 2005 for private individuals. At the Obtained “Contract for difference” always wins, unless one recognizes the upcoming rate direction in the run-up to and exploit for its own trade.

The trader has the ability to realize great gains with a very low capital investment, however limited its “potential” losses even before the trade. The trader can decide at any time his commitment and risk. Here he can between 1,-and maximum 5000.-per point to choose freely. A large bet win day in the five-figure range can be quite so with some exercise! But to understand this form of trade, detailed employment with this introductory and exact textbook is necessary on the Internet page: vermoegen-online.com/shop/start the interested person finds detailed information and excerpts on the topic and more procedures. Also, more detailed information to purchase and shipping this edition limited to only 5000 German copies, can be found there.

Here is the layman a simple and safe Indicator search gives, whose effect he is using less grip, can prove itself. Becker’s publication is certainly not just for amateurs. It belongs to the workshop of every Executive, every project manager and every entrepreneur. Advanced financial traders will appreciate this book, because it involves serious information gaps in other publications and form a based trading course conveys basic knowledge and techniques of the Pike. Portrait of author: Jorg Becker, the author of this publication, learned the profession of surveying technician and served as teacher of mathematics and surveying a Bundeswehr vocational school. A few years later he focused on the stock market, where he could live out his penchant for technical analysis, initially part-time. In the year 2005, it became possible to CFD trading for individuals, he devoted himself initially titled “Indicator search” and was finally found after several weeks of chart analysis. Its even for stock lay, easy and safe way of Indicator search not taught it in time-consuming and expensive seminars, but wrote a “Printseminar” for amateurs & intermediate. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the reader is provided after the purchase not but can contact at any time with questions to the Office. Jorg Becker author & trader lower main street 117/4 A-8462 Gamlitz

GE Money Bank Will Start With 5 Per Cent On The Day Money

The day account called TagesgeldFlex offers GE Money Bank 5.00% interest p.a. German customers with guaranteed them until January 1st, 2009. Now, the GE Money Bank also still little known in Germany has interest in the competition for the best day money and offers not only comparatively high interest rates for new customers, but an interesting structured and flexible day money account. P.a. receive smooth 5.00% interest users of that day money account up to the amount of a deposit of 100,000 euros and this guaranteed until 1 January 2009. This promises to be a very respectable return, because the interest rate shall apply as with most of these accounts already from the first euro.

There is not even a maximum plant height in this product. Although the 5.00% be granted only up to 100,000 euro, funds in bear interest but interest rate at the current ECB, which is currently at 4.00% and surpasses therefore the day money offers of many other banks. But also for investors that not only the temporary high interest rates take, but the day money account in the longer term would use this product offers an interesting component. As well as to the rate above the 100,000 euro already from the outset at the base rate of the ECB is based, are the overnight interest rates after 01.01.2009 for the entire investment amount calculated according to this rate. The first 100,000 euro receive an interest rate of 100% of the federal funds interest rate, which would be 4.00% p.a. for steady interest rates, amounts in 90% of the rate, so with 3.60% interest per year under current circumstances. A further advantage of this day money account is the high hedge, because deposits on this day money account be an amount hardly anyone on a day money will have secured up to a height of 37 million over the deposit protection fund of the Federal Association Deutscher Banken e.V.. A minor disadvantage this day money offer is the annual credit of interest rates. While other money market accounts that gets credited quarterly or even monthly interest and therefore in one year by compound interest benefit can, this is not possible with this product. This fact is balanced however by comparatively high interest rates, high deposit insurance, and the interest rate is fixed until the end of the year. Especially when one assumes rather steady or even rising rates, day money account the GE Money Bank offers high security in relation to the amount of savings that is unsustainable for a longer period of time.

Charles Biderman

2. two comments about the stock market increase of 2.1. The price increase comes with little revenue: sales in the DAX moved 2007 in the medium to the 9 billion, this year there are 2.5 billion only. This means that fast also a strong correction can come back, because the increase is not broad-based. 2.2.

Executive and supervisory boards sell in large measure it’s no surprise their shares so that also the Insider sell your shares, and according to Charles Biderman, only a few insiders buy shares. Insider sales are sales of shares by the directors and supervisory boards of the respective company. And you should know best about the numbers and the value of AG. Obviously they deem them far less than how it is currently traded on the stock exchange. “Charles Biderman also asks: where is the money that the shares keep rising?” Source: Charles Biderman BloombergTV August 28, 2009 wallstreetblips.dailyradar.com and conclusion: to not to to take big risk of loss, we are expanding the share only with caution, currently approx. 24%.

At the first sign of a possible major correction, we will sell it again. Even if this caution compared to the classic buy-and-hold strategy has resulted in a yield disadvantage this year, we will remain faithful to the commandment of small fluctuations. Two year term is the loss hedging strategy clearly at an advantage. See also in the Guide harmless due to the financial crisis”should not have the Guide on page 18 from the penultimate paragraph and page 19, you can request to him with us. One must wonder in the context, whether and to what extent you want to cross the border to speculate. This article does not mean that we are basically negative, on the contrary. We just believe that you should be still careful with investments in the stock markets based on above facts. If you have questions, I am like available. With best regards Franz Brandtner

Properly Prepare

So motorists before the change of the car insurance get the best possible overview. Sure car insurance change in Germany some million automobile retainer deal every year with the question: I change my auto insurance this year because now and if so what tools use I for a car insurance change? I prefer to consult an insurance broker or I surf on the Internet and visit numerous compare portals? Both would be legitimate ways that each car owner can choose for himself and his wallet. This may not be forgotten, that it must be first and foremost for the Exchange-ready car holder to a financial improvement for at least the same insurance protection. Financial tip for car insurance: did you know… …dass that most motorists today not only benefit from the financial improvement when changing the car insurance? In recent years change willing spenders benefit even performance technically by a better insurance coverage, although it after changing the Car insurance usually significantly less money to spend? Motorists will receive a greater market insight in terms of car tariffs …dass they employ several car premium calculator to research the price most pleasant and at the same time powerful car tariff? which later greatly annoy countless car owners …dass, because they unfortunately have not had this knowledge and have completed the first car insurance? Willing to change or economical automobile owners can modelled, for example, on these relevant points and safely change your car insurance without committing blunders.

Because it is basically recommended to visit several comparison portals, and to take advantage of various car calculator, for example, on the Internet. Each car fare product calculators offer that mostly only the car tariffs, the respective offerer wants to sell, therefore it should be self-evident for intentional change of car insurance, to employ different automotive Awards Calculator. This is possible then an independent currency and also the market is much larger than usual. Writing d. Rosler

Loans, Credit Facilities And Credit Types

Loans are diverse and therefore should be attention when choosing a loan there are loans has always been, because loans were already possible in early years. However, loans have changed so at the present time and are so versatile in appearance that you may have barely the overview as a layman. A new car, a new TV or even a long awaited and perhaps also earned holiday – there are so many wishes that we humans like us would meet. Unfortunately many of these wishes often burst at the filthy money and that’s too bad. Because just the fulfillment of some passion is actually a story, which so often can enrich the lives and simply just good for you. You just glad when a wish and you can call anything his own. This is so, and verily none can escape the pure joy, which can occur through the fulfilment of a heart’s desire.

It is sometimes so easy to realized a long cherished dream, because the Offered credit facilities are nowadays almost second to none. There are loans in all imaginable forms of credit and you can easily adapt these according to the individual personal circumstances. It is by the amount of the loan, by the selected payment in instalments or the form of the financing loans are as diverse as the wishes that you can fulfill it. The Internet portal of credit referral service provides a good overview of all imaginable forms of credit and you can contact there always different providers of loans. These create a supply of credit then like without obligation and you can compare this then of course also with other loans. Thus this handling of comparison is also very recommended, because is nowadays almost unmanageable variety of credit options and you should carefully consider this. Can be done easily and without great risk fulfilling a heart? -Text creation Claudia Schleicher / agency advertising child