Civil Service Without Conscription

A plea for the end of political taboos since the publication of Defence Minister zu Guttenberg plans it seems officially: conscription suspended in the medium term. The Chancellor oscillated rhetorically while yet – one wants not to abolish compulsory military service, it was said by Mrs Merkel – but in reality know all: A “suspended” compulsory military service is nothing more than an end to compulsory of military service without having to amend the Constitution. But what happens then to the civil service? Can there be civil service without conscription in Germany? Civil service despite “Suspension” of conscription? The cautious approach by family Minister Schroder, who wanted at least not totally exclude a retention of the civil service, was rejected by almost all sides knee-jerk. While the serious contributions to the “impossibility”, differently to be able to establish a State-imposed compulsory service as by the threat to the security of the country, relied the Yes, the basis for the General Conscription makes. Indeed the civil service is, though now practically a selectable alternative, legally still nothing more than the conscientious objection to military service objection. Such are however usually more even formulated, but downloaded from the Internet. The taboo of the independent Zivildiens the reasoning is quite dogmatic quite correct. But the last word belongs to the right dogma and not political statements, indicates only the poverty of a discussion which is not, because she can apparently be no.

Why exactly a community can not decide that there can be good reasons also apart from a – bogus anyway – external threat, from which young men and women make to their schooling in the public service? In the speech, in which the watch is not the clockwise the workday fills out of course by the quite numerous locations for civilian. There is enough meaningful Activities, which at the same time mean a real service to the fellow human beings and offer the possibility of personal maturation. Is really just Roland Koch for this? One looks around but after political voices, demanding at least a serious discussion of the issue, you have to look long. Pages of social democracy, such a position would do really well, awkward silence. The only prominent voices come from Conservative Union circles.

And there is one and agree with Roland Koch, who described the civil service in an interview as “Education theme” and called for an open debate on its future. What should you say? The man is right. This one time. Andreas Kellner civil service…