Monthly Archives: September 2012

The Magistrate

In this sense, the magistrate stands out that the relations between Correa and Brcenas were bad, and that the exsenador noticed of the irregular conduct of the ringleader of the plot and the convenience of separating him and to its companies of the relations with the direction of the PP. " The one that transmits the necessity to refuse to Strap is Luis Brcenas. The one that organizes the misunderstanding of to have paid billions to Brcenas is the own Strap, although it would deny soon it before instructor" , Pedreira stands out, that as it also demonstrates of the bad relations between both appointment the dismissal on the part of Strap of the brother of the exsenador of the travel agency. Fiscal crime With respect to the fiscal crime, Pedreira indicates that all the operations investigated by the Tributary Agency were conducted in 2002 and 2003 by the wife of the exsenador, Rosala Churches, that no longer is imputed in the cause, and explains that the penal procedure against Brcenas by attributed facts cannot be directed to that no longer is part in the process. Also, it remembers that Brcenas has credited the payment of the trips that contracted with Pasadena Trips and other tie ones the corruption plot. The judge says that " test that does not exist such payments have been paid " by the plot and that is not either possible to speak of bribe to not to have credited which Brcenas realised " action or action some that supposed the irregular work awarding or of any other presells public to Strap or his empresas". In addition, it considers that, to not being Brcenas public position, " he would be irrelevant that had invited him to these trips ". It either does not see tests of money laundering in the request of a bank loan of 330,000 Euros appointed the work purchase of the painter Juan Van der Hammen, since the practiced diligences and diverse witnesses have corroborated the version of the exsenador of which the pictures were acquired by the also extesorero one of the PP Rosendo Naseiro without needing the money of Brcenas. In another car, the judge also files the cause with respect to the ex- senator of the PP in Estepona (Malaga) Ricardo Galeote, when considering that " the supposed obrantes indications in the cause have not reached solidity or incriminatory forcefulness contra" he, reason why sobresee the bribe crime by which it was imputed. Galeote contracted with Special Events – property of Strap the purchase of material destined the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of the locality when he was responsible for Tourism of the same Source of the news: The judge of ' Grtel&#039 case; it provisionally files the cause against the extesorero of the PP

Feudal Society

For Locke if it does not have to modify the Natural laws, because these rights are capable to create the harmony and social peace. They are deriving questions since the existence of the man in establishing norms of social convivialities. In the current days, it notices if, exactly that the social contract total positivado, with hypothesis some intervenes with the basic principles, as the freedom, the right the natural life, and other aspects. Already for Rousseau, the nature state is a situation of inaquality, which had to the social and economic differences, and therefore that it ratifies the importance of the social contract to rescue these rights that in many cases are deficient or inexistent. One of the main reasons of Rousseau in the defense of the social contract relates if ' ' servitude or escravido' ' that they could be practised for that they withheld of the power. Bringing for the present, and of a general way, all the workers are in service and enslaved, the difference is the type of less arduous work and. It is a servitude and differentiated slavery of some passed years, therefore beyond the remuneration, he is not obligator if sociological questions (diffuse sanctions imposed for the society for the individual that does not work) not to intervine.

But it does not have no worker who is free, same the autonomous worker, therefore he is imprisoned to the work, depends on it to survive. The work, at the same time frees, therefore it of the conditions to survive, but it arrests at the same time it, therefore it depends on it. Analyzing historically other innumerable events that despertaram the curiosity of studious, also Rousseau, below is described in few words that express to the concern of the author. It is called servitude to the condition of the peasants in the feudal period. The servants were the workers who were tied with the land, forming the social classroom lower of the feudal society.

School Uniforms

Using to advantage that we are initiating the school year, and next to this it comes an interminable expense of pertaining to school materials, we desire to speak on an item of great importance, the Pertaining to school Uniform. The use of the pertaining to school uniform clearly facilitates to the life of parents and mothers of pupils, a time that provides the reduction of expense with clothes so that its son can frequentar the school. Beyond bringing economy to the parents, we understand that the use of pertaining to school uniforms brings great security to the pupils, since the blazon of the school that in it is printed makes possible to give to the student a referencial of which institution of education that is registered. It is known that the use of uniforms does not fall in the taste of the pupils, mainly when these are in the adolescence, varied time where they desire to demonstrate to be able and acceptance through mark clothes or styles. Leaving of side the particularitities on the use of uniforms, it fits to inform us that Law 3,913/1983 of the State of So Paulo, establishes that it of So Paulo is forbidden that to the official establishments of education Been they establish the obligator use of the use of Uniforms. In this way, the schools ‘ ‘ pblicas’ ‘ natives of So Paulo, cannot hinder that the pupils leave of frequentar the lessons due to lack of the use of uniforms, understand that the educational establishment can demand the use, must at least supply it. We think that by this being a state Law, can be extended to the municipal schools, but not to the particular schools, a time that stops the ingression in this if makes by means of act of contract through express clauses.