Sophora In The Bayerischer Rundfunk

New content-management system scores on all levels of the Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) has restarted its multimedia portal on the night of October 26. For the relaunch under the name put the BR on the content-management-system Sophora of the Hamburger subshell GmbH. The decision for the new CMS Sophora scored with efficient technology and high operating comfort in all affected departments of the BR. Economic value added: data exchange without obstacles Toni Siegert, head of multimedia production at the BR: “Sophora has convinced from the outset transmitter internally. The CMS scaled technically excellent. Moreover we could easily integrate it into your existing infrastructure.

A data exchange without barriers is also in economic terms. a real added value for us” Editorial plus: multimedia without the overhead of the BR-multimedia editorial is possible from immediately a publication in different channels. “Popular programs like Schuhbecks my kitchen secrets”, the Rundschau”or Dahoam is Dahoam” can thus also online be obtained. The BR Portal is prepared for all currently foreseeable technical developments thanks to Sophora. Our new CMS supports a wide variety of applications and media and keeps the editorial overhead within narrow limits”, says Rainer low, head of the multimedia program and youth. The CMS Sophora has an editorial concept that is optimally tailored to the needs of modern editorial team.

So it offers a drag & drop, a built-in image editor and a schedule for the use of the teaser. Manufacturer support another point for the new CMS Sophora: it is constantly extended by the subshell GmbH, also for the support, the hamburgers are available. We are pleased that we can support the BR on his way into the medial future”, so Jan Boddin, owner and CEO of subshell GmbH. The technical introduction of Sophora in the BR was accompanied by the subshell partner Sybit AG. About subshell the subshell team specializes in the care of companies with high demands on its publication and content management. The customer base of subshell including Bayerische Rundfunk, Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung, the first, Hessischer Rundfunk, MDR, NDR, Radio Bremen, Saarlandischer Rundfunk, include music Germany, WDR and ZDF, universal. The subshell GmbH was founded in 1999 with the aim, to depict complex processes into simple and fast software solutions for companies. There are currently 20 employees in the branch office in Hamburg’s HafenCity. Press contact: Ulrike Beckmann, concept + communication,