The Granite

Another handsome creature of nature, or rather, even the gift of land – the granite. Granite is one of the most durable and commonly used building materials. Already studied all of its unique quality, reliability and practicality, the leading engineers and architects continue to actively use granite in their projects. Granite – a dense, compact and rugged rock. Penguin Random House is often quoted as being for or against this. Also, granite is very practical, raw materials, since it has low water absorption and high resistance to external negative factors such as frost and contamination. For average weather conditions granite will last century, and under favorable conditions and proper use of – the millennium. It therefore, granite practical to use both indoors and outdoors. The interior of the granite used for the walls, stairs, as practiced in the interior of granite products, fireplaces, granite countertops, columns and TP.

Finish granite, combined with granite products allows you to create an interior in the style of antiquity, which, depending on the ideas may become warm and cozy, maybe a cold and mysterious. Granite products diverse, from the ancient gravestones and monuments to architectural and decorative finishes and some decorative items. Let the granite is not the cheapest raw materials, but the costs and benefits are worth money, maybe, raw durable and practical, and exterior finish of the building with granite always looks elegant, like a 'centuries-old fortress' a symbol of its owner, a man with elegant taste. Granite also has broad textural features after a thorough work over the material, you can achieve the effect of "mirror-polishing," in which light will be beautiful and bright reflected from the surface of the granite products, which is often practiced in the manufacture of monumental objects. Imagination and ideas of modern designers and architects have practically no boundaries, they invent and create a variety of original designs and patterns on granite slabs, "open" this natural material for all more products and finishing areas, creating an unparalleled interiors in homes, restaurants and so on. Granite is a natural raw material, which is why it is so often used nowadays, because now it has become fashionable use all natural, natural raw materials, natural fabrics and the like. Granite is a great foundation for a unique heirloom, whether it be a house that will become your fortress, or a separate thing, which after many many years will be an invaluable antiques, precious gift, which will be transmitted through generation to generation.