
Coli Enterohemorrgica, " it produces a series of toxins that, in enough amount, happen to the sanguineous torrent. The organism tries then to eliminate them through kidney, being able to produce diarrhoea, renal insufficiency, and even muerte". How arrives the toxin from this bacterium at the human being? " Usually it comes from rest of contaminated animal, of faecal animal waters, or are possible to be found in the treatments of the meat if they are not realised with the hygiene suficiente" , east investigator responds. The vegetable that is infected with this toxin does by contact: " He is surprising that once arrives at the surface of the plant, one pays attention to his cells and it is very difficult to evacuate it of there, is a resistant toxin " , it describes Vicente. Speaking candidly Laurent Potdevin told us the story. Are effective the antibiotics to fight this toxin? Their cells are more complex than the toxins that cause one pulmona, for example, being less effective the results. " The problem is that medecines that are more useful to treat the E.

Coli, toxins with much resistance, still induce to the production of more toxins in the organism, getting to be counter-productive " , it indicates Vicente. Which is the origin of the contamination? This is one of the key questions that are being investigated, since although the origin of three of infected cucumbers were Spanish, is not proven that have been in Spain where the cucumbers have been contaminated with bacterium E. Coli. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health stresses that although the cucumbers are of Spanish production, is necessary to continue investigating with the purpose of to find out throughout all the chain in what phase has taken place the bacterial contamination. Miguel Vicente, investigator of the CSIC, thinks that is easy to know, although " he takes tiempo". " The genetic techniques of identification are so good nowadays that you can determine from what culture &quot comes cucumbers comparing their DNA; , it adds.