Vtoraya couple – Samsung and Xerox have significant Distinctions in the design of ink cartridges from Cartridge our first pair – Canon and HP. The device of these cartridges is strongly simplified: there is no waste toner container (return line), and the toner is not dialed in pomoschi magnetic properties, and the filing is made with a rubber roller on which the toner sticks and steel blade, kotoroe regulates podachu tonera. In sovremennyh cartridges Samsung and Xerox owners torgovyh marok nakonets a set emkost return flow, thus improving quality of printing. Zalog kachestvennoy filling these cartridges doskonalnoy prochistke each time the gas station that is not a vypolnyaetsya lyuboy Organizations engaged in refilling cartridges, refill these cartridges doma not work correctly. All owners of printers, the refueling at home data cartridges ogranichivayutsya zasypkoy novoy portsii tonera, but it does not help. Often cartridges posle takoy refueling pod yield toner zapolnennymi eyeballs with two problems: slaborazlichimaya, light print and printing, with longitudinal stripes. Komplektuyuschie and toner cartridges for these more expensive. There is odna slozhnost when filling these cartridges.
In the past few years for these ink cartridges and printers to install chips kotorye kontroliruyut kolichestvo pages printed, and each time you fill for them to change or rewrite neobhodima. IT'S all increases stoimost odnoy raspechatannoy page neskolko time and this increases the likelihood plohogo print quality for poor fuel cartridge. In addition to the above may be added that every new model has a cartridge svoyu proshivku, and it takes time to obladateli brendov producing compatible ink cartridges and chips could deshifrovat kodirovku original chip and run proizvodstvo neoriginalnyh chips.