Love dismissal cheaper and work need to Cook, day by day, in the fire of the tranquility. Jesus Lopez Pacheco. THE cost of dismissal in Spain this in the middle of LA UNION European is not true that the cost of dismissal in Spain prevents the creation of employment, and yes it can be said that the primary issue is ensuring stability in employment and not precarious even more of the labour market. The high cost of dismissal is one of the arguments used to justify the difficulty to create employment interest. Those who defend this idea insist that jobs will only be created by facilitating the dismissal and reducing its cost. A hardly understandable theory posed by the problem upside down. The question is not how much money have or employers must spend to compensate laid-off workers, but what measures are effective to promote stability and to increase employment. In this sense, it is necessary to claim clear alternatives that focus on promoting stability and rationalizing the modalities of hiring is contributing to improve the own training and qualification of workers, as well as more fluid labour relations and a general improvement in motivation, productivity and competitiveness.
Statistics and legal regulation which has cheaper layoffs belies the idea that the dismissal is still expensive. In addition, this argument is related to the merits of the case: the stability of employment. We believe that stability is only favors from three factors: rationality in standards of indefinite contracts, qualification of workers and their capacity to adapt to new situations; and economic policies that favour a greater quantity and quality of employment. It is not true that obligations are imposed to Spanish businessmen costly when they decide to dispense with their workers. In a report on hiring temporary commissioned by the Ministry of labour and Social Affairs, is collected that Spain is situated in the mid-level in terms of costs for dismissal, behind countries such as Germany, France and Belgium. Therefore, it is not necessary, nor is justified, the need for another legal reform to further reduce the cost of compensation for dismissal and, in addition, is quite clear and recent its uselessness, both to generate employment and to promote stability.
With the labor reform techniques the dismissal and not only employment has not been created (on the contrary, was created less than in similar growth periods) but which favored the growth of precarious employment. And is that, as the poet said: we are in a boat / and we lost the oars. / And leads us to the current / a where we want less. Francisco Arias Solis in Christmas peace and freedom. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.