Tag Archives: online-stores-design

Design Functionality

A world of possibilities in the design of online stores thanks to the features and functionality that allow you to customize your web site or your shop, or both, from the Panel of administration of Magento. We have already seen that one of the main features of Magento is the capacity that offers to manage multiple online stores, URLs, in different languages. You may not need to use this functionality but your online store can grow and at a given moment you are interested to cross borders because the fact of selling in other countries does not involve the difficulty that some believe, is easier than it seems and Magento will follow where you go. Magento is composed of a series of modules that have been created by a community of developers that certify each new functionality to be added to the program. The Basic program that we download contains a nucleus in which are the main program files and that they should never be handled to avoid losing stability, that the program stops working or that they can not be installed updates. However, its a software open source, if the program extensions to measure, can be developed that is, small programs with a specific functionality can be designed to respond to a specific need and our tailored, either we can install any of the many extensions already created and tested.

It is true that they may arise problems or security bugs or errors of any particular functionality as with any other software, or open source or not, free of payment, but the Magento community responds quickly and remedied mistakes quickly, either with patches or developing new extensions to make your shop more stable online (Criacao websites) (Desenvolvimento websites). Extensions or modules represent an additional advantage to this kind of programs. Thus, you can add new means of payment to your web site, you have extensions to add multimedia files, control the meta tags from our online store, create custom interactive galleries with photos our products, extensions to add logistics companies, for control and order tracking, tools for advertising and marketing, analysis, optimization, and performance in terms of the issues that are involved in the creation and visual design of your online shop, Magento allows you to load multiple themes to customize your online business. Some are already by default assigned to an interface but this is true in the majority of programs (web hosting). What makes other software Magento is the possibility of charging a Non-Default theme that will allow us to customize the interface of our shop according to very specific needs, such as a change of season, a campaign of summer or Christmas, and give a temporary look different from our online store. This is a reality thanks to the possibility of modifying the structural blocks and visual content that provides Magento design online stores.