Brewer Eat

While overweight and obesity are diseases that increasingly affect more and more people in the world, there are people to whom, for various reasons, very difficult gaining weight, which can also represent a health problem. If you are one of those very thin people, but you are looking for ways to raise some pounds, here are a number of home remedies for healthy weight gain. But earlier, it is recommended that you take a medical consultation to rule out any pathology that could be causing the low weight. Once discarded thyroid problems, among other frequent causes of decline of weight, you can begin to apply these consejillos. 1 Added to each meal, a handful of dried fruit: peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, granola. The nuts are a healthy source of calories and essential oils.

2 You include in your diet three dried figs, rehydrated, daily. This fruit also provides good quantity of calories. 3 Banana is a fruit that contains higher amount of sugar, you should eat two per day. 4. Another good remedy home to gain weight, is something sweet to eat at night.

You should choose healthy sweets, like for example a cup of yogurt with cereal or fruit salad with honey. 5 You must perform moderate exercises to increase your muscle mass. Otherwise, the ingested calories could transform in fatty tissue deposits, which is not nothing recommendable, since it could bring cardiovascular problems in the future. 6. Other recommended to gain weight, foods are raisins. You should eat a handful every day. 7. It is recommended to take two or three cups of whole milk or yogurt daily. 8 Sprinkle your meals or drinks with Brewer’s yeast, will help increase the calories that contribute. 9 Put your salads, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil or sunflower. 10 You can ask your nutritionist to recommend you a vitamin complex. Many times the vitamins help regulate appetite. To see which are the 3 proven plans so that any naturally skinny man can finally increase mass muscle, click here.