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Horacio Pozzo

However, the national authorities have given to understand that they will use those funds to loans to the productive sector to one year at a rate that ronde only 11%. Is that the way to protect the savings of the welfare system? Beyond criticism and any accolades received the plan, the question that matters to respond, given the goal of it is: will the new anti-crisis plan be effective? Since its announcement, many analysts have criticized the failure of the plan in terms of its magnitude, beyond of the distribution of the same. The reality indicates that the country is limited as to implement greater magnitude in size, so the key will pass by the effectiveness of the shot they are playing. And here is where again returns the item that mentioned them about the systematic denial of the Government of its responsibility for the situation of the argentina’s economy. This denial does nothing more than produce uncertainty since the Government, not to recognize errors in its management is giving to understand that probably again to commit the same mistakes or more serious by maintain your posture.

With this attitude, to maintain uncertainty in the economic context, it makes that families do not wish to consume and prefer to save to be prepared against a possible worsening of the situation. It is very difficult to think that average family argentina think at the moment in going into debt to acquire a 0 km, when the economy has slowed, unemployment rises, and the economic situation shows signs of bewilderment. Also it is difficult to think that a company (e.g. SMEs), decides to invest by lower that rate, when the perspectives on the evolution of their activity are negative (and if they were positive, the uncertainty of the expected profitability product of the fragility of the rules of the game, they make the return required to decide to invest too high). The perception There is that Government’s priority should be to strengthen the macroeconomic scenario, seeking to generate stability and transparency for thereby, giving security to the private sector, the economic stimulus plan can gain in efficiency.

In parallel, and in what seems to be an additional measure, while not declared, while the plan begins to take shape in what refers to the small print, the exchange rate of the dollar in Argentina continues to rise and now stands at $3.46. It is not something Ebay would like to discuss. The depreciation of the Argentine peso was a measure widely claimed by the Argentine industrial sector, before the deterioration observed by the real exchange rate in recent times product of the inflationary acceleration that had come to exceed 30% YOY (though in recent months were heavily desacelerara by the fall in external inflationary pressures and strong local demand retraction). In this context, the depreciation of the Argentine peso, (at least partly), protects the local tradable sector from foreign competition (increased by the crisis), although probably not to generate a significant impact in exports given depressed external demand. The weakness both internal as external demand, gives peace of mind that the depreciation observed in the exchange rate is not transferred to prices. The Argentine Government is still testing different formulas to avoid the economic decline, which has started already several months ago and not as a result of the international crisis. How long will take to recognize their mistakes and to deal with the real problems of the Argentine economy?

The Division

10 Excision purposes the main objectives of the Division are as follows: 1) the redistribution of activities of an undertaking or of several. (2) The specialization of activities, since every society will have only some activities, which may perform better or at one lower cost. (((3) Geographical decentralization, which can be divided by States, regions, departments, districts, cities, etc. 4) reduce the payment of taxes for two reasons: (4.1) as each of the resulting companies have a lower income, will be within a different regime, for example resulting from companies already they do not pay within the general regime but within the special scheme of the income tax. (4.2) To a particular area of the State corresponds to a particular tax benefit. ((5) Solutions to internal problems of the partners: (5.1) the way to lead the company. (5.2) The types of operations that society should be performed. (5.3) The selection of suppliers and/or clients.

(6) Clean up society, small of her activity or activities with economic problems and thus, determining the activities that work well, of those difficulties, avoiding the pollution of those by these. (7) Elimination of the non-legal monopolies, achieving thus appearing in this space and time, the competition, and thus that these companies gain competitive advantage. 11. The Division is a recordable Act acts are divided into recordable and not registrable, which corresponds in this seat determine if the split is a recordable Act. Recordable acts are the inscriptions or annotations that logger extends into the registration. Not recordable acts are acts which the Registrar can not extend in the registry. Excision is a recordable Act, by which registration provides registration publicity to this Act in the registry items. 12. LA excision not only was recorded at registration of societies this recordable event is also recorded in records of other legal persons such as associations, committees, foundations, peasant communities, communal enterprises, rondas campesinas, individual limited liability companies, cooperatives, among other legal persons or autonomous bodies, therefore this recordable Act is not exclusive of the registry of societies.

Business Administration

It is undeniable that the current economic crisis has completely squandered our national entrepreneurial strength. And not because his initiatives have denoted non-viable, but because our punitive system ban completely any possibility of returning to start all failed promoter. Despite the fact that the experience is a degree, and self-criticism turns out to be the best tool for improvement. The entrepreneur, dead money plant, is seen pressured by debts that are derived to particular title. Threatened with losing their little personal assets (mainly the property constituting the family home), and anguished because once ceased business is incapable of supporting the day to day of their loved ones. With these constraints, the last concern that can invade your mind will be analyzing what went wrong and how it could have avoided the drama. It will lose everything. But it will not be the only that society never more will indirectly perceive the benefits of its initiative.

And is that if we want to change the model economic, we must modify previously not a few of our widespread beliefs. The self-employed when the company that provides their services is experiencing difficulties, enjoys all the guarantees and hedging. Support intransigent unions, a Court of lawyers, a favourable social jurisdictional order, an institution that subsidiary will pay for the benefits due as it is the wage guarantee fund, and others as the National Social Security Institute and the national employment Institute covering all future needs. And in the background will always remain a paternalistic State, that if necessary extended unemployment, since the exit from the crisis, will be social or will not be, as says the Prime Minister. Nothing to do with the abandoned to their fate of the small businessman as we have been saying, who with luck will count for their subsistence and that of yours of the family allowance. With this panorama nobody might be encouraged to undertake. And he who raises it, should be qualified in romantic terms, as a genuine hero.

And realistically, as a daredevil whose gesture denotes for itself its inability to analyze scenarios of how objective, which automatically and clearly, it should invalidate it as entrepreneurial potential, though it may be paradoxical. Starting, a la hora de emprender when it comes to undertaking we must differentiate the figure of the entrepreneur and of the capitalist. Although the distinction of both roles is more than clear from centuries ago for economic theory, today we still mistaking them, maybe interested. The employer has a business idea, and uses all his good work in bring it forward, coordinating all sorts of resources. The capitalist, is the agent that anticipates the economic funds needed. It does not because he believes in the project that is presented, and in Exchange obtains a remuneration consisting of an interest rate. ???Lawyer? that I am, wouldn’t say how many notary signatures have gone advising my clients, and against my recommendations, they have agreed to endorse a personal borrowing. Banking institutions to save the initial objections, had even standardized detonators phrases of the alter ego of the claimant’s funds: < what happens, is that you do not believe in your company? so as you want to believe us? >. The response is not expected: < >. With that attitude the customer just condemn his family to all sorts of future penalties. Speaking on roman paladin, to live under a bridge.


In the game of life we are called to be players and get actively involved in winning the game. Similar to our favorite team of football, basketball, baseball, or anyone who is our favorite sport, we see players with a great bond and loyalty to the team, esmerando by win and make the difference. These players choose to be present and you can count on that they will give their all to the game. These players are known as the MVP (most valuable players) due to the impact on the final result of the game. Players are reluctant to take risks or to negotiate their dreams and aspirations, because these are the deepest desires of his soul. The genuine commitment refers to pour your heart and your mind on something.

What it is to feel something so passionately that you work with all your strength in the pursuit of them. By contrast, the decoupling and all his companions travel; frustration, despair, discouragement and apathy, seated dwelling in you when you lose heart. If you work only from your mind, your heart atrophy; runs out of life and is disabled, and you lose a very important part of yourself. Ask people who left behind successful careers for something they always wanted to do: where did you find the value? What was your greatest momentum? If they are sincere, most of them will tell you: I started to listen to my heart. I followed the steps of my intuition.

Not long ago the life of Mike and Kimberly Henshaw tacked is upside down. Kimberly was MOM of two small and Mike Biologo, treatment this time profession and felt that he needed something more. So study and graduated lawyer, working at a law firm. But not step much time until he began to question his decision. Does that had his life become? The same route to work every day, the same Office, the same faces of his colleagues, perhaps the numbers of cases were different, but the themes were all equal.

Brewer Eat

While overweight and obesity are diseases that increasingly affect more and more people in the world, there are people to whom, for various reasons, very difficult gaining weight, which can also represent a health problem. If you are one of those very thin people, but you are looking for ways to raise some pounds, here are a number of home remedies for healthy weight gain. But earlier, it is recommended that you take a medical consultation to rule out any pathology that could be causing the low weight. Once discarded thyroid problems, among other frequent causes of decline of weight, you can begin to apply these consejillos. 1 Added to each meal, a handful of dried fruit: peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, granola. The nuts are a healthy source of calories and essential oils.

2 You include in your diet three dried figs, rehydrated, daily. This fruit also provides good quantity of calories. 3 Banana is a fruit that contains higher amount of sugar, you should eat two per day. 4. Another good remedy home to gain weight, is something sweet to eat at night.

You should choose healthy sweets, like for example a cup of yogurt with cereal or fruit salad with honey. 5 You must perform moderate exercises to increase your muscle mass. Otherwise, the ingested calories could transform in fatty tissue deposits, which is not nothing recommendable, since it could bring cardiovascular problems in the future. 6. Other recommended to gain weight, foods are raisins. You should eat a handful every day. 7. It is recommended to take two or three cups of whole milk or yogurt daily. 8 Sprinkle your meals or drinks with Brewer’s yeast, will help increase the calories that contribute. 9 Put your salads, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil or sunflower. 10 You can ask your nutritionist to recommend you a vitamin complex. Many times the vitamins help regulate appetite. To see which are the 3 proven plans so that any naturally skinny man can finally increase mass muscle, click here.


It’s funny when electricity is missing, one realizes how much need it and much that makes life easier, there are things that we do not give importance until missing us whether so-called basic services or people, human beings are strange not appreciate anything until lose you fruit of any carelessness or bad head. The things that we have every day our range seem to be important only when we lose them, basic services because we are accustomed to pressing a button and not worry nothing more, work is also a vital element which abhor when we have it and when we need, us angustiamos and want to have it again. When we have a relationship we do not usually it assess too, but when that person leaves on our side, the world seems that we fall into pieces and we regret our apathy or possible error. Basically we are a bit contradictory always longing for what we lack, we always tend to go against the current. Who has good luck nor appreciated it until it starts failing him and then his head begins to torture him. Tend not to be happy with some things that don’t usually happen, the world is not as perfect as some insist on selling ourselves, we spent life complaining of everything that is part of our existence. It is one thing to complain about the disease or the loneliness and other complain about everything from the climate, the month of the year, work, how painful children are personal losses, it is hard to lose loved ones to those who want to, you trust them and want you as you are and think that they never will leave your side.

That kind of losses are irreparable and create memories that help keep the living person, if you’ve been close to the person when he goes, you think you did what was in your hand to repent of his loss, but if not begin to think about how I could act miss one person who you know that not really moreIt hurts because you know that you’ll never enjoy your company and you only have the pleasure of his memory. It is hard to not assess things in time because then come the cries that are of no use except to torture the soul. In conclusion it must be assessed What we have meager it, we never know the next joke of the destination where to take us.

Transparency International

In the storm where you know good pilot is regrettable given news, allegations such as these, which affect that in any way we can identify with the country where we live, we want and aspire to advance towards the quality of life that favors everyone in live. It is disturbing to read, listen to, that Venezuela is one of the most corrupt countries in the world according to the report recently released by the organization Transparency International in Berlin, in which Chile and Uruguay are located as the students models in Latin America, followed by Costa Rica and Cuba. As reported by atam.msn.com according to transparency international, the 2009 study results indicate that corruption is seriously extended in Latin America. Venezuela is ranked 162 over 180 countries included in the study with a corruption perception index (CPI) 1.9%, just a few places ahead of Haiti, which is situated in the place 168 and is the worst of the American continent with a CPI of 1.8. These countries they have high levels of poverty and urgently require strong, transparent institutions that would facilitate her more than necessary economic development, according to transparency international. Chronicle confirms it. com MX that sunk at the bottom of the table, where level 1 represents widespread from public coffers, bribery and looting are countries at war as Somalia (1.1), as the most corrupt in the world, Afghanistan (1.3) and Iraq (1.3), followed by authoritarian as Burma (1.4), Sudan (1.5) or Iran (1.8).Next to these countries where the perception of corruption is larger than two Latin Americans sneak: Haiti (1.8), the poorest on the continent, and Venezuela (1.9), where is still in process the dismantling of democracy and his replacement by a Socialist regime and the absolute control of the oil-for-President Hugo Chavez.La President of TI in Germany, Sylvia Schenk denounced in these countries that do not reach even a level 2 in one scale where 10 is the maximum degree of transparency, hardly can be neither a medical appointment without bribing someone; the looting of the public coffers is generalized.Everything that is below 5 points is bad, said Schenk, who lamented that the majority of the 180 countries surveyed do not reach to be above that boundary. .