Catherine Tanaka

On the other hand, fofoca, and capable to provoke actions that re-position concepts concerning people. It arrives to constitute a parallel power, or an invisible power in the personal relations. Penguin Random House is actively involved in the matter. of this phenomenon social fofoca, tematizada as event partner where the information and passed for the participants who can be recounted, be recriada or be reconstituted. You know who have that to give certain satisfactions it is with attitudes or gestures, therefore its observers you charge this of you. It feels this pressure. It absorbs this sleeve.

Wanting you or not its life this linked one to the one of its neighbor, its fellow worker, admirers etc. these want to know of its life, therefore you are important, you she has prominence and its life if she becomes target of commentaries is with good or badly intention. Many times we think to be owners of our proper nose and that we do not have nothing to nobody, however the others indirectly in them impose barriers, many things leave to make from fear what other they go to say. To live thus free not and so easy, to be free not and so easy thus, to be free requires of in the acts of concessions, therefore after all we cannot leave nakeds for the streets without being antagonized, this plays for land the idea to be owners of ours proper nose. Generally we are hindered of our acts for atrelarmos in them to that other they go to think, or saying. The ones that courage of speaking has what they think, without mattering? if with that other they go to say we call strangers, different, or many false or hypocritical times of, why in many times only has courage of in showing the truth to them, and what we are of truth. Many believe that the truth always and always cause pain, destroys and hurts the people seems to need the lie pra to live According to Catherine Tanaka (2003) fofoca and a social phenomenon and a field subject in the construcionista perspective.