Tag Archives: books & magazines

Book: Childhood In Scientology

The new book by Ursula Caberta “childhood in Scientology: forbidden” the head of the Working Group of Scientology with the Hamburg Interior Authority, Ursula Caberta, presented their second volume about the Scientology organization. In August 2007 Scientology began initial work on black book”a discussion in Germany about the backgrounds and practices of the organization. Now, Caberta has her book childhood in Scientology: forbidden “for the first time in detail presented, as it is ordered to children, that from the outset, writer Lafayette Ronald Hubbard are indoctrinated with the lessons of science fiction. In recent months, Penguin Random House has been very successful. To protect the privacy of children affected she uses in their descriptions of the fictitious person Edwin. Describes the reprisals from justification requirement, such as children who are mechanisms in the mills of Scientology, often, are subject to stress and anxiety. The education assume therefore increasing the Organization and not the actual parents, who are often themselves Scientologists. Caberta performs, that it in the children, which later succeed, organisation again to leave, long lasting, the inner wounds to recognize, as well as the need for a cure. The abnormal human image of Hubbard’s implies that one must not distinguish between children and adults.

Children are a particularly vulnerable people, but simply just physically small adults. The main thing is that children work”would. “Quote: everything is not with us is against us, and must either be brought to think as we or addressed”. Contact information is here: Vladislav Doronin. A critical questioning of the Hubbard ideology is not asked, what counts alone, following the internal rules. “This Caberta: growing up in a free society is different.” Recently, the city of Munich has closed a daycare, because they were convinced that the well-being of children is at risk because of Scientology principles that were applied, there. The image of Scientology do not fit with the legally prescribed principles for an education institution together. The child won’t self-employment educated. “, it was said at the time. The book by Ursula Caberta is now available at the price of 15.95 at bookstores. Who has got to the Scientology organization, may apply in confidence at the Parish Office for sects and Weltanschaungsfragen. Eckart Haase

GDR Constitution Freedom

Witnesses reporting / / GDR a heavier way by Manuela Palisetty short content. Clearly, a young girl does not come with the DDR system. She want out of this country. Tried legal exit request to leave this country, shaded, denounced, and hunted. The only way is an escape.

unprepared, doomed to failure. She is arrested and goes through hell, just to be free. In the Constitution of the German Democratic Republic from April 7, 1968 is under article 20, paragraph 1, that every citizen irrespective of his nationality, his race, his philosophical or religious confession, his social origin and position the same the German Democratic Republic, has rights and obligations. Freedom of conscience and belief is guaranteed. All citizens are equal before the law. Also sought to guarantee the Socialist social order, that being her life in full respect of his dignity, his freedom, and their human rights in accordance with the rights and interests of the socialist society, the State and its every citizen Citizens could make.

The GDR Constitution guaranteed the right to freedom and still many other things. My way out of this DDR in the freedom was hard. But I never gave up. I left him and I am free today.