The Division

10 Excision purposes the main objectives of the Division are as follows: 1) the redistribution of activities of an undertaking or of several. (2) The specialization of activities, since every society will have only some activities, which may perform better or at one lower cost. (((3) Geographical decentralization, which can be divided by States, regions, departments, districts, cities, etc. 4) reduce the payment of taxes for two reasons: (4.1) as each of the resulting companies have a lower income, will be within a different regime, for example resulting from companies already they do not pay within the general regime but within the special scheme of the income tax. (4.2) To a particular area of the State corresponds to a particular tax benefit. ((5) Solutions to internal problems of the partners: (5.1) the way to lead the company. (5.2) The types of operations that society should be performed. (5.3) The selection of suppliers and/or clients.

(6) Clean up society, small of her activity or activities with economic problems and thus, determining the activities that work well, of those difficulties, avoiding the pollution of those by these. (7) Elimination of the non-legal monopolies, achieving thus appearing in this space and time, the competition, and thus that these companies gain competitive advantage. 11. The Division is a recordable Act acts are divided into recordable and not registrable, which corresponds in this seat determine if the split is a recordable Act. Recordable acts are the inscriptions or annotations that logger extends into the registration. Not recordable acts are acts which the Registrar can not extend in the registry. Excision is a recordable Act, by which registration provides registration publicity to this Act in the registry items. 12. LA excision not only was recorded at registration of societies this recordable event is also recorded in records of other legal persons such as associations, committees, foundations, peasant communities, communal enterprises, rondas campesinas, individual limited liability companies, cooperatives, among other legal persons or autonomous bodies, therefore this recordable Act is not exclusive of the registry of societies.